How To Grow Grapes In The Philippines: The Philippines is one of the best places to grow grapes due to its tropical weather and soil conditions. But how do grapes grow in the Philippines? Is grape farming in the Philippines profitable, and what are the different types of grapes in the Philippines that you can grow today? These questions and more will be answered as we look into growing grapes in the Philippines for beginners.
Table of Contents
How To Grow Grapes In The Philippines
1. Decide On What Type Of Grape To Grow In The Philippines
Common types of grapes include Cardinal, Zante Currant, Catawba, Concord Grape, and Sultana; however, the most common and popular types of grape grown in the Philippines are the red cardinal grape and the catawba grape variety.
At this stage, deciding whether you will grow using a vine/root or a seed is also important. Again, many pros and cons will apply, depending on what type of growth strategy you follow.
During our research, we found some fantastic grape vines/roots and a mixture of different grape seeds that are perfect for beginners and those who wish to start a small grape business in the Philippines.
2. Find The Best Land And Location For Growing Grapes
The second step in successfully growing grapes in the Philippines is choosing the right location and soil. If you are looking to grow grapes from home, there are a few considerations.
The first consideration is the location. Finding an area in your garden or piece of land that has access to the continuous sun is often recommended. This will allow you to grow grapes in the Philippines more easily.
The second consideration is the future of the grapevine itself. In time the grapevine will need support to grow upwards, so being in a location with this support is key, or you can use a steak for support.
The third consideration is how many grapes you are planting. Space out your grapevines between 5 to 15 feet is often recommended. The standard is around 10 feet in general, but this will differ slightly depending on what type of grape you are growing in the Philippines.
Many agricultural experts recommend that the soil be deep, well drained, and loose so that grapes grow as strong as possible.
3. Plant Your New Grape Vine
When digging the planting hole, dig 10 to 12 inches deep and 10 – 12 inches wide. Grape growers often fill the first few inches with topsoil. A pro tip is not to tap down on the soil, as keeping the new plant loose is often recommended. Once the seed or root has been placed, use a little water.
When planting grapevine roots, it is suggested to soak them in water for two or three hours.
4. Maintain And Grow Your Grape Vine
The next important part of the process is the maintenance and growth of your grapes. After planting, it’s recommended to use high-quality fertilizer ( such as sheep, horse, and chicken fertilizer) and water the plant regularly.
However, there is a side of caution. Experts recommend that you not fertilize in the first year unless you have a problem with soil and fertilize lightly in the second year. This is because too much fertilization can result in problems such as a halt in grape-growing. Therefore it’s always recommended to follow the seed seller’s instructions.
As your grapes start to grow, you may find that pests and birds become a problem, so a mesh net can be used to help stop unwanted visitors and damage to your new grapes
5. Pick Your Grapes
The final stage is harvesting your grapes. Grapes will not continue ripening once picked from the vine, so it is often best to test a few grapes before fully harvesting. Removing obstacles blocking the sunlight is recommended if your grapes are not ready to pick.
A pro tip is to prune away branches that are not producing grapes. Cutting these branches will allow the fruit-bearing branches to have more nutrition.
You will see that grapes are ripe in the Philippines once they are full of color and juicy. On the other hand, if your grapes are small, dull, and lifeless, they will likely have not reached maturity.
Best Month To Plant Grapes In The Philippines
Grapes are best to be grown in warm and dry climates. Because the Philippines is a tropical climate, grapes can be grown all year round. April & May, however, offer the dries climate with the least amount of rainfall.
The location of your grape farm in the Philippines is what matters the most. Areas with reduced sunlight and areas prone to natural disasters are not the best locations. Additionally, areas that are too hot can negatively impact the growth of certain grape types that are grown in the Philippines.
Grapes Philippines Price
The price for grapes will differ depending on the location, quantity, and variety of grapes. However, on average, seedless grapes in the Philippines will cost around 300 – 400 pesos per 1kg.
How to start a grape farm in the Philippines
Suppose you wish to start a grape farm or a grape business in the Philippines. In that case, you will need to consider additional categories such as legal registration, land, business process, and industry research.
Your plan is fundamental to starting a grape farm in the Philippines. This includes the scope of your grape farm, how you will make money, the help and support you will need, the legal requirements and licenses, and finally the steps that will need to be taken to start a grape business in the Philippines successfully.