How To Open A Computer Shop Business Philippines: Some people refer to starting an Internet cafe business in the Philippines as a computer shop business. Still, whatever terminology they use, is it a good idea to start an Internet cafe business in the Philippines, and is it profitable?
Opening a computer shop business in the Philippines can be a fantastic idea if the demand and profit are monitored and the maintenance costs are low. With this being said, you may ask if an Internet cafe business in the Philippines is profitable?
An Internet cafe business in the Philippines can be profitable long-term. However, through research, it is clear that the location heavily influences demand and opportunities. Therefore, profitability for a computer shop business / Internet cafe business in the Philippines will depend on the location and other factors, including utility costs, equipment costs, and other maintenance fees.
Table of Contents
How To Open A Computer Shop Business In The Philippines
1. Create Your Plan, Goal And Strategy
The most important part of any computer shop business is a plan. Luckily, several computer shop business plans can be downloaded for free. However, suppose you are looking for a business template specifically for the Philippines. In that case, Filipino wealth has a free downloadable template that you can find by clicking on the business plan tab at the top of this page.
Whether you choose to download a business plan for a computer shop business or write your own, what is important is that several key questions are answered. This includes what the goal of the business is, what will the financial costs and profit be, and finally, what will be your strategy for business success?
As mentioned above, the success of an Internet cafe business in the Philippines depends on several factors, but one of the most fundamental is the location. This moves into market research, which we will be discussing in much more detail below.
2. Market Research
To succeed in opening a computer shop business in the Philippines, you need to know as much information about the current market as possible. Not only will this help you build a business plan for a computer shop in the Philippines, but it will also allow you to base your decisions on the current demand carefully.
Here are some topics you may wish to dive into deeper when looking at how to start a computer shop business in the Philippines.
- Why Are Customers In Need Of A Computer Shop Business
- Which Area Offers The Cheapest Costs But Is Accessible
- Are There Any Other Internet Cafe Businesses In My Area
- What Types Of Facilities Are My Customers Looking For
- How Are Other Businesses Earning Money From This Type Of Business
- What Are Gaps In The Market That I Can Fill
- Is There A Future For Computer Shop Businesses In The Philippines
- Are There Any Suppliers In My Area? If So, How Much Would This Cost Me
These are a few basic ideas, but finding out the answers will help you decide on your next move. Unfortunately, when starting a computer shop business in the Philippines, market research is often neglected, but it is perhaps one of the most important.
Not only can market research save you a great deal of time, but it can also save you thousands of pesos, so it is always recommended to spend a significant amount of time researching the local market and demand before taking any physical action in starting a computer store business in the Philippines.
3. Choose The Best Location
Where is the best location for your customers? The location of an Internet cafe business needs to have several key elements. The first is accessibility. The second is affordability. The third is comfortability.
If a location is not accessible, affordable, or even worse, uncomfortable, this can seriously impact your business and overall business growth. Of course, some things can be changed, such as how comfortable a room or offices but accessibility and affordability are two factors that are very difficult to manage.
This is why choosing a location in the perfect area for your customers, and your business is key. For example, if you are within the city, you may find that some prices can be fairly high. Therefore, you may benefit from slightly moving outside of the city as long as this is also accessible to your targeted customers.
4. Registration And Regulations
Registration of a business in the Philippines is fairly simple. Several websites have documented this process over the years, but you can head over to the government website for a step-by-step guide for the official guide.
In addition, you will also need to follow business rules and regulations. For example, if you decide to sell food, you will also need to apply different laws. Fundamentally, your overall business plan will impact what regulations need to be researched and followed.
It’s often recommended to contact a local lawyer when registering a business for the first time. They will also be able to highlight any laws and regulations that you will need to follow as a business owner (depending on the services and scope of your business).
From research, most of the laws with this type of business are around the safety of consumers, which tends to fall under the general business law. This includes ensuring your customers are safe, following fire and emergency procedures, etc.
5. Open And Grow
The final stage on how to open a computer shop business in the Philippines is opening and growing the business.
Business owners often ask how can I grow a computer shop business in the Philippines? There are many ways growth can take effect.
Scalability is where processes are made simpler and easier. Even though this is not a direct form of growth, this does allow for business growth indirectly. For example, instead of marketing leaflets, you could focus on Facebook marketing which can cost less than printing thousands of different leaflets each month.
Another way to encourage growth is by reinvesting your profits back into the business. This can include increasing hardware, software, facilities, chairs, marketing, staff, etc.
Other Considerations When Starting A Computer Business Philippines
As there are many different types of Internet cafe businesses in the Philippines, there are several areas that may be applicable that have not been mentioned in the list above, so here are several categories that you may wish to investigate when you are looking at how to open a computer shop business in the Philippines.
- Internet Providers
- Installation
- Equipment (Hardware)
- Programs (Software)
- Insurance
- Vending Machines, Food, And Drink
- Membership Prices
Naturally, the areas that will need to be researched will depend on the type of business you plan. There are several ways you can make money from an Internet cafe business in the Philippines; however, it’s often recommended to start small when opening a new business of this type.
How Much Does It Cost To Start A Computer Shop Business Philippines
The total cost to start a computer shop business in the Philippines is 250,000 Pesos. The total capital includes equipment, installation, marketing, and so on. Nevertheless, the total capital needed may be slightly higher or lower depending on the size of your business.
The great news is when you are looking at how to open a computer shop business in the Philippines, the overall cost for hardware is reducing. As technology is increasingly developing, older models are becoming much cheaper, and there are several companies and suppliers selling equipment in bulk for a great price.
You can also start an Internet cafe business in the Philippines for much less than 250,000 Pesos, but the business will need to be on a much smaller scale. In addition, this excludes many significant capital costs, such as a survival budget and insurance.