How to Be a Yoga Instructor in the Philippines: The fitness industry in the Philippines has developed a lot over the last few years. However, with the recent pandemic came a change of lifestyle, and for many of us, that also included a change of fitness.
As we begin to develop in this ever-changing world, many of us wish to become fitter and stronger, so niches such as the yoga niche have become popular in the Philippines.
So today’s ultimate question is how to be a yoga instructor in the Philippines. First, we will explore being a yoga instructor and discover some handy tips and tricks on Yoga instructing in the Philippines.
Table of Contents
How to Be a Yoga Instructor in the Philippines
1. Discover the Yoga Categories
Some of the different yoga types are Bikram, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Kripalu, and Hatha. Those who want to be a yoga instructors can try different classes to decide the type of Yoga they want to teach.
You may wish to conduct some market research, and we recently spoke about how to do market research in the Philippines, which will give you an advantage of seeing which type of Yoga is the most popular.
From there, you can scale your business according to the demand and your target customers. This is also important as you may be able to make more money with different types of Yoga.
For example, if one type of Yoga requires equipment, you can include this in your classes but charge a higher amount per lesson.
2. develop your skills in yoga
Aspiring yoga instructors have to dedicate themselves to practicing and understanding all the postures before they teach Yoga. After that, they can look for a yoga studio such as YogaPlus in their area and attend beginner sessions.
Then, wannabe instructors can work their way into advanced classes. However, it is best not to rush themselves in practice since this is the best time to explore Yoga.
This can also prepare them once they begin their training on how to be a yoga instructor in the Philippines.
3. Determine Where You Want To Teach Yoga In The Philippines
Many yoga teachers start their careers by offering yoga sessions in their homes and communities. They also begin by having these sessions with their family, friends, and people in their network. Aspiring yoga instructors can also host events or hold classes at local yoga studios, fitness establishments, local businesses, schools, and parks.
If you plan to have a studio in your home, it will help to invest in these different types of equipment:
- Bolsters
- Hair Ties
- Mats
- Music Playing Device
- Music Playlist
- Straps
- Yoga Blankets
- Yoga Blocks
- Yoga Mat Towels
- Yoga Wheel
4. Start Your Training To Be A Yoga Instructor
Aspiring yoga instructors can look for yoga studios providing yoga-instructor training. Aside from learning the different routines and physical postures, they also learn about preventing injuries, the history and philosophy of Yoga, and physical anatomy.
Many yoga studios require 200 hours of proper yoga training before you can teach classes. Therefore, it is important to commit to completing these hours.
Although CPR and first-aid training are not mandatory, completing them is recommended. If you plan to teach advanced yoga classes or special groups, you can consider taking a 500-hour training program.
This process on how to be a yoga instructor in the Philippines seems great. Nevertheless, some aspiring yoga teachers do not have good access to a good yoga school, or their schedules do not match.
Because of technology, those who want to be yoga instructors can attend training without the need to leave their homes.
The same principles as yoga classes held in studios or retreats are used in online yoga classes. Yoga instructors determine the studying pace. The resources they can give are often training manuals and instructional videos.
Aside from providing recordings, they can also have live sessions. Then, they can ask the trainees to complete homework and quizzes. Many online yoga training classes conclude with the trainees performing a demo with a student.
This online yoga training from Bodhi Yoga Center offers 200 hours of registered yoga training. The training also complies with all the guidelines set by Yoga Alliance.
5. Apply To Be A Yoga Instructor Or Start Your Own Business
After completing training on how to become a yoga instructor in the Philippines, trained yoga instructors can visit studios they are interested in teaching at.
Some yoga studios cater to specific yoga types. For instance, those who are interested in Ashtanga can check Sadhana Siargao.
Creating a yoga resume and preparing for the interview well can increase the chances of getting hired.
When applying, it can help to interact with other yoga instructors and staff and ask about the available yoga teaching programs and the studio’s benefits.
Aside from working in a studio, you can also charge clients when they host yoga sessions at home. The average rate per hour of a yoga instructor in the Philippines is Php 175.60.
Those who want to be independent instructors have the choice to have their own studio. However, they need to consider the funds for the rent as well as equipment and accessibility. Instructors can also teach in businesses or partner with gyms
Holding retreats is also possible, but it can be challenging. You can ask other seasoned yoga teachers how much they charge and advertise retreats. To keep things new, you can try various exotic places every few years.
Another option is to have online yoga sessions. More on this below.
6. Create A Mailing List And Gather Feedback
This can help aspiring yoga teachers keep in touch with their clients who visit and enjoy their sessions. This can also be an effective tool in marketing their services. Their clients will also likely contact them if they need a yoga instructor or know someone who needs one.
At the end of their sessions, it is also recommended to ask their students to answer a questionnaire. This can help them improve their classes in the future.
7. Develop Yourself As A Yoga Instructor
Regardless of the training, you have attended, developing yourself further is important on how to become a yoga instructor in the Philippines.
Observing experienced yoga instructors can help improve your teaching methods. You can choose the aspects that you like from the different instructors you observe.
Aspiring yoga instructors also need to know how to feel comfortable when having group sessions. For example, someone who leads a group exercise has to know how to feel comfortable speaking and commanding in the session and connecting with the students.
It can help to rehearse on your own or in front of a mirror to see how you move, and the people in the back can see your movements.
Having ambient background music helps relax you and your students. Moreover, speaking clearly can make your students concentrate more on their movements since they do not have to ask you to repeat the directions.
Another helpful tip on how to be a yoga instructor in the Philippines is to be versatile. That means the instructor can make changes in the routine to make their classes more engaging and interesting.
A lot of experience can help you with this. You can also ask your students what postures or yoga style they want to work on for the day.
Should I Be an Online Yoga Teacher In The Philippines?
It is recommended to research first if you think of holding yoga sessions online as the risks and opportunities will be different for different types of customers. However, if you plan to offer Yoga retreats, an online presence may be a great way to add visibility and income alongside teaching physical customers.
To help you assess if being an online yoga teacher is for you, here are some advantages and disadvantages of giving yoga classes online.
Advantages Of Online Yoga Classes In The Philippines
- It Saves Time And Is Convenient For Both The Instructor And The Client.
- There Is A Wider Variety Of Clients. Online Yoga Instructors Can Work With Clients From Different Parts Of The World.
- Students Do Not Need To Observe Their Instructor Since They Depend On Their Instructor’s Voice.
- The Classes Can Be Performed Anywhere In A Suitable Condition.
Disadvantages Of Online Yoga Classes In The Philippines
- The Person-To-Person Connection In Physical Yoga Classes Is Not The Same As Online Yoga Classes.
- The Internet Connection Can Be Frustrating, Especially When You Have A New Student.
- There Are Chances That Instructors Can Miss Pointing Out Body Positioning Errors.
- Some Students Do Not Have Enough Space.
For the cons, there are ways instructors can work on these. Once you get the hang of teaching yoga classes online, you can figure out how to resolve them.
All aspiring yoga instructors should set realistic goals for themselves. Learning to be a yoga instructor is just the start. However, consistently giving your effort for at least 2 to 3 years is likely needed to have a career.
The small feats will eventually add up. Therefore, they should not feel frustrated if things do not go as planned right away. What is more important is to celebrate the small wins.