Are you looking for the best passive Incomes in the Philippines for 2022?
Passive Incomes In 2022 is something the most successful entrepreneurs will be searching for this year.
If you are unfamiliar with passive income, the basic principle behind the idea is earning money with little to no work (more on this later).
The two most important questions about passive income in the Philippines are…
1) How to create passive income in the Philippines?
2) What are the best passive incomes for the Philippines?
The good news is that today we will be going over these questions and answering them in full!
Passive income is a form of income that is earned passively.
This means that the income is earned with very little or no additional work.
Typically this income is made through investments or passive businesses, and because of this appeal, passive income has become a popular type of income in the Philippines.
Many people often type into search engines things such as …
- How to earn money in the Philippines?
- What are the best investments in Asia?
- How to become rich?
- What are the best passive income increases for the Philippines?
These questions are great to ask, so let us look at 10 of the best passive income for the Philippines!
10 Best Passive Income For 2022 In The Philipines
1. Peer To Peer Lending
Why is this a unique Passive Income for the Philippines?
With P2P lending, you can see the customer’s risk profile, which allows you to make a more informed decision.
With some providers, you can also see the expected return on investment (ROI) before investing.
Peer-to-peer lending will be a significant passive income for the Philippines in 2022.
The idea is simple ‘Mr. A’ Wants to borrow ₱300,000 to start a new business, so he approaches a loan company to borrow this amount.
The investment company will then tell other investors that ‘Mr. A’ needs a loan for 300,000 pesos. Often companies will then highlight the minimum requirement and the ROI, for example, 2% interest each month.
The loan term, the amount borrowed, and the company you select will make an impact on your returns.
With peer-to-peer lending, shopping around in the Philippines is essential because some companies will take a small part of your profits each month while others charge a more significant maintenance fee.
So 1% or 2% might not seem high, but an extra 1% can soon add up over the term.
2. Angel Investing Philippines
Why is this a unique Passive Income In 2022 for the Philippines?
First, the return from this investment is uncapped, especially if you have invested in the next Jollibee, BDO, or Ayala.
(Speaking of Jollibee, if you are looking to invest, then head over to our complete guide to finding out how you can make money from Jolibee!)
Angel investment is investing in a private company, generally at the very start of its operations.
An investor will typically have a solid idea, a client base, and, most importantly, proof that their business plan works through testing or other means.
An investor makes passive income from this investment by agreeing with the business to offer a cash injection for a percentage of the business.
If the business does well, let’s say, for example, it turns from a private company to a public company and is now listed on the Philippines stock exchange, then your investment would naturally increase.
Caution: An investment could increase 1000’s of percent, but as the company is typically at the beginning stages, an investor also takes on more risk with a private company as opposed to a public one.
3. eBook Passive Income
Why is this a unique Passive Incomes In the Philippines?
Ebooks require little maintenance. Once completed, a writer would only need to manage the sales and marketing of the eBook.
You might not think you have much to offer, but believe me, you do.
eBooks are a great way to profit from your experience, background, or education.
For example, if you are an expert in Filipino food, you may think this knowledge is useless, but there is defiantly a market for it.
The key to eBook income is to find your specific customers.
This can be done through numerous platforms and careful planning.
For example, if you take 30 hours to write your eBook and sell it at ₱200 at a rate of 10 books a week, after three months, you would have sold 120 eBooks at a total price of ₱24,000.
It’s critical to remember other costs, such as advertisement, but if you price your eBook wisely and find your market through trustworthy or low-cost streams, then you can see an immense profit.
For example, when I was in London, a friend introduced me to someone who made just under £28,000 (₱1.7 million) from selling an eBook about how to date as a single parent!
He had a targeted type of customer, and he was able to reach them easily.
To this day, he makes £500 (₱31,000) in sales each month with no additional work.
Tip: You could offer people a commission if they can help sell your eBook. You could also visit clickbank.com, which provides a similar service.
4. YouTube Extra income
Why is this a unique Passive Income for the Philippines?
Being a YouTuber has numerous ways to earn passive income and grow your brand.
So if you are looking at how to create passive income Philippines, then youtube may be right for you.
Many people wrongly believe that you need 1000000 views or subscribers to make a good living from YouTube or other video-sharing platforms.
Even though it is true that you need high figures to make good money from advertising, there are different ways to monetize a YouTube channel.
Let’s say you are a health guru and talk about fitness and healthy living.
You also sell products and give online consultations.
You get on average 1000 views on a video, but the money you make from selling your products / online consultations makes more money than google ads on a video with 100,000 videos.
Even though this sounds crazy, this is the reality for many full-time YouTubers.
So…why have we used this example as one of the best passive Incomes in the Philippines?
Because there are quite literally thousands of YouTubers making a full-time living from online content.
This is an excellent income for those who are wondering what passive income is in the Philippines.

5. Dropshipping In The Philippines
Why is this a unique Passive Income In 2022 for the Philippines?
With drop shipping, you won’t need any additional space.
You will only need time, a laptop, and a stable internet connection.
Dropshipping is a great passive income for the Philippines in 2022 / 2023 due to its diversity, but it is sadly not the easiest.
Dropshipping is the process of selling goods belonging to a third party.
The benefits are you don’t need a warehouse of much start-up capital.
All you need is a reliable website & a supplier who can send the goods direct to the customer without including any prices.
Drop shopping is no longer a new concept. In the early 2000s, people started making a lot of money from this business idea, but more people began this passive income with mixed results as time progressed.
However, if you can pick the right product, this will make a massive difference in your dropshipping profits.
There are many different niches and ideas for this business model.
For example, if you are a savvy business owner, your business could allow you to take on a sales or data analyst so that the income can become even more passive.
There have been stories of people earning an excellent living from this business idea, but it’s not always as easy as it seems.
However, once things are running smoothly, this business can be a good source of passive income to add to your portfolio.
6. Build An Advertisement Platform
Why is this a unique Passive Incomes In 2022?
There are many different types of customers that include many different price tags.
If you have a platform that gets views, this could either be an app, website, videos, or even billboard; then, you have the opportunity to earn passive income from advertisement space.
For example, many app developers sell the game free even though they spend hundreds of hours developing an app.
Because the 5-10 second video that plays after your charter dies or you lose at a level or just randomly pops up after 30 seconds is paid advertisement, and this is where developers make their money.
If you have programming experience, then apps could be perfect for you.
If you don’t, look around for an opportunity to offer advertisement space for a fixed fee each month.
7. Sell An Online Course For passive income
Why is this a unique Passive Incomes in the Philippines for 2022?
In the age of technology, more and more people turn to online courses that they can do in their homes.
Therefore opportunities have arisen to sell courses in many niches.
Like ebooks, everyone has skills they could share, and people are willing to pay for this knowledge.
You could sell your course online through course providers; however, they will also take a percentage of each course sold.
On the flip side, they open you up to a higher volume of traffic, and by doing this, the income is more passive; that is why it’s a get choice for passive income for 2022 in the Philippines.
8. Selling Stock Photos Online
Why is this a unique passive income in the Philippines for 2022?
If you have a good eye for photos, then this talent can be turned into cash.
More and more businesses are looking to buy stock photos to avoid copyright claims.
When you think about the passive income idea in the Philippines in 2022 / 2023, you may not have thought about selling photographs, but people are making a good steady stream of income from their passion.
A few weeks ago, we purchased a picture of a piggy bank with the Philippines flag by the side of it.
It was only ₱50 but had been downloaded over 2000 times. It may be challenging to turn this into a full-time income unless you work directly with a supplier; however, it’s a great side hustle for the Philippines.
Due to copyright claims, companies need to buy or create their pictures if they want to use them on their website, which is an excellent opportunity for people to make a passive income from their photography talent.
9. Earn a passive income from a blog
Why is this a unique Passive Income In 2022 for the Philippines?
Blogs are ever-growing in the Philippines and open up the doors to several ways to earn a passive income.
Blogs can be a high passive income.
The key here is to build your following, providing people with the answers to their problems and added value.
Once this has been completed, you can monetize your blog through many different factors, such as selling products or services or even through advertisement.
Blogs can be challenging, but it could pay off if you have a skill for writing or sharing your stories.
Blogs are not entirely passive because they require you to give continuous content to your reading, but you can earn full-time money working part-time hours.
The most successful blogger sometimes works less than 5 hours a week!
Are you wondering how to make money from a blog in the Philippines?
Then, visit our complete guide and start earning from a passive income in the Philippines today.
10. The Philippines Stock Exchange
Why is this a unique Passive Incomes In 2022 Philippines?
The Philippines stock market has a historical annual increase from 8%-12%, and many thousands can be earned passively through this investment.
The stock market is one of the most popular types of passive investments with high-profile Filipino investors.
However, that said, there still are many Filipinos who do not invest in the stock market.
The stock market can be an excellent investment for those who are seeking passive income. In theory, all an investor needs to do is research the market and the company.
Once they have shares of that business, they can sell their shares after an extended period, such as 5,10,20, or more years. (investors can also sell immediately if they choose to this is offend referred to as day trading)
There is a little more to this than just leaving and cashing out in the future.
This is because, during long-term investing, anything could happen to the company(s) you have invested in, so it is always best to keep one eye on the market to avoid any unexpected losses.
Are you looking for a beginner’s guide to the Philippines stock exchange?
Then, start your passive income today by reading our complete guide!
11. Cryptocurrency Passive Income
Why is this a unique Passive Income for the Philippines?
Over the years, cryptocurrency has increased and decreased in value, and as we know, it is an extremely volatile form of passive income in the Philippines.
However, as technology has advanced, there are now more ways to earn passive income in the Philippines from cryptocurrency.
Recently we released a full guide on how to earn passive income in the Philippines with cryptocurrency, which I have attached above for your reference.
When looking at passive income options, it is always best to understand the investment itself.
Unfortunately, in the Philippines, there have been several cryptocurrency scams over the years; thus, you may wish to proceed with caution.
But how can you increase your streams of income in the Philippines with cryptocurrency?
One of the most popular methods is to lend or stake your cryptocurrency.
Some platforms are now rewarding their customers to lock up their cryptocurrency for a certain period, such as 1, 5, and even 10+ years.
12. Earn Passive Income From A Business
Why is this a unique Passive Income for the Philippines?
When earning extra money in the Philippines, you will have many decisions.
One of those important decisions is how active or passive you want your income to be. Some forms of passive income are slightly active but mostly passive.
An example of this is a business such as a vending machine business.
With this example, you will need to stock food, collect money, and do a few other tasks.
Still, for the most part, the process is fairly passive.
Therefore, if you are somebody who enjoys a little more control over your money, starting a passive income business is more suitable than a passive income investment in the Philippines.
Just like with all forms of business, research and analysis are important.
Some business types and investments may work better in some locations and during certain times.
This is why market research is important when investing in passive income or starting a passive income business.
13. Selling Domains / Online Real Estate
Why is this a unique Passive Income for the Philippines?
This is a great option for passive income Philippines online.
Online real estate does not mean physical real estate but rather valuable assets.
For example, this blog is my business and earns me a form of passive income.
Therefore it possesses value and can be sold for profit. This is true for any other type of online business or online asset.
In recent years some domain names have become more popular than others, and some have been sold for billions of pesos!
The great thing about these forms of passive online income in the Philippines is that they are extremely passive.
Very little maintenance is needed if the business is earning money from ads.
Some entrepreneurs decide to build their own assets to later sell for profit.
Even though this is not a form of passive income and is active, it is also a great option for those looking to earn money online in the Philippines.
14. Affiliate Marketing Passive Income
Why is this a unique Passive Income for the Philippines?
Earning money from affiliate marketing in the Philippines is a highly demanded form of passive income, and it can be fairly profitable within certain niches.
Affiliate marketing is where you can earn a commission for selling other people’s products and services.
But how do you get started with passive income in the Philippines?
Most forms of passive income are very similar, and this is true for affiliate marketing.
The first step is to build a platform with a loyal audience, a blog, a YouTube channel, or even a social media page.
Please note that some terms and conditions will apply depending on the affiliate marketing platform.
Once you have your platform, the next stage is to be open and honest with your audience.
It’s best not to recommend products simply for the commission.
Passive income with affiliate marketing also takes time. But the great news is you can earn passive income for years in the future from something you do today, which is the power of affiliate marketing.
14 Other Passive Income Ideas In The Philippines
- Affiliate Marketing Passive Income
- Create A Coin Operated Public Laundry Machine
- Earn From A App
- Earn From A Podcast
- Earn Money From Rental Income
- Earn Passive Income From Airbnb Philippines
- Earn Passive Income From Your Social Media Posts
- Get Cash Back And Loyalty Offers
- Rent Out Land And/Or Carparkin Spaces
- Sell Digital Products On Esty
- Sell NFTs
- Sell Your Designs
- Selling Photos & Imagery
- Start A Vending Machine Business
Best Passive Income Ideas For The Philippines: Summary
There are many different passive income ideas for the Philippines as we look into the future of the business and investment world.
However, it is always recommended to build a passive income at some point in the economic journey, as this allows you to expand the reach of your financial net.
If you wonder how to create a passive income in the Philippines, the first step is always building self-awareness on the type of investment through education.
Next, it’s time to start your plan. A plan can be something you do on your own, or if you’re investing in something such as the Stock Exchange, it can be something a trading company can help you with.
Passive Income Tips Philippines
- Build a passive income strategy. First, it’s a good idea to build your passive income plan and then your strategy, including how you will reach your financial goal.
- Research the markets. In today’s world, there are now more passive income opportunities in the Philippines than ever before, including oversea investments
- Fully research the market and question everything you read and hear. There is a lot of information about passive income in the Philippines, so it’s always best to question all sources.
- Take advantage of compound interest. Compound interest can increase your passive income’s value but also has risks.
Passive Income Warnings Philippines
- Start small. Passive income is a great way to build your portfolio; however, its best to start small and learn as you go
- The golden investment rule is only to invest money you can afford to lose. High rewards often come with high risks.
- Beware of passive income scams in the Philippines. There are many scams and get-rich-quick schemes in the Philippines, and investment scams are common across the country
Passive Income Philippines: Resources & References
- Passive Income Tagalog – https://vincerapisura.com/passive-income-investment-ofw/
- Tax On Passive Income – https://taxsummaries.pwc.com/philippines/individual/taxes-on-personal-income
- BIR Income Tax – https://www.bir.gov.ph/index.php/tax-information/income-tax.html
- Best Investment Books – https://filipinowealth.com/the-19-best-investment-books-for-the-philippines/
- SEA Investment Guide (Page 21) – https://www.iisd.org/system/files/publications/investment-laws-asean-countries.pdf
- Growing Passive Income Guide – https://www.moneyunder30.com/how-to-invest
More Passive Income Guides
- 27+ BEST Passive Income Ideas Philippines 2022
- 7 Ultimate Passive Businesses Philippines
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- How To Earn Passive Income With Cryptocurrency Philippines
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