When it comes to marketing in the Philippines, there are many things that you can do with and without money. Today’s article will specifically cover how to market in the Philippines with no money, but we will also be going through how to market any product and service.
Before we begin, one of the most critical pieces of advice for any successful marketing campaign is a strong foundation, and a strong foundation is built through research and investigation. This would help you determine the most successful marketing campaign in the Philippines for your product service or business.
Table of Contents
How To Market In The Philippines With No Money
1. Socia Media Groups
Below, we will be diving into social media in a little more detail. Some social media platforms can be very lucrative in terms of business marketing, but this option is general social media, including platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Groups are a great place to build a business and have been used in businesses for many years; however, the trick is not to become a spammer. One mistake you can make is only to advertise and not help the community. Most business owners who are successful marketing on social media help the community with their questions, and every so often, they advertise their business or service.
The post is also very important. If you are marketing something that is not very striking and a little bit dull, then it is likely that this will not gain attention from the masses. However, giving readers an incentive will work much better when marketing in the Philippines with no money.
2. Reddit
Reddit is a very common and popular platform in the Philippines. However, if you wonder how to market rice in the Philippines or how to market real estate in the Philippines, then Reddit may not be the best option as the community has slightly different interests; however, some types of content work very well on the platform.
In the Philippines, there are many subgroups, and these are great places to start. As mentioned, some types of content do not work well on Reddit, so the question is, what type of content works well? Typically educational content (product services or instructions on how to do something) does well.
For example, my business teaches Filipinos how to start a business, make money online, and market in the Philippines. Because I am educating, platforms such as Reddit are very useful; however, you need to see if your business product or service works well on these platforms.
3. YouTube Videos
There are several ways you can market in the Philippines on YouTube for free. The first way is by creating YouTube videos on the platform. This allows you to build your brand and reach a specific audience. You can also earn from Adsence once your channel has become monetized.
Another option is from commenting on YouTube videos. Even with very good YouTube videos, viewers always have questions. If you watch a bad YouTube video, there will be many questions. This is a great opportunity to market your product or service for free. Similar to other social media, the trick is not to become too spammy.
4. Podcasting
We recently spoke about how to start podcasting in the Philippines and some beginner tips for those who are thinking about becoming a podcaster. But why did we write this article, and why is it important to you as somebody looking to market in the Philippines with no money?
Podcasting is still very new in the Philippines. However, the statistics show that there has been an increase in viewers and hosts over the years and this trend looks to continue as we look into the near future.
Podcasting is a great way to reach a large audience and is also a great way of free marketing in the Philippines. one consideration you will need to make is value. To be a successful podcaster (and market to a higher number of people), you need to grow your podcast by giving value to your audience in one form or another.
5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is perhaps one of the best types of free marketing in the Philippines. If you are not familiar with the term affiliate marketing, I will explain. Essentially, you agreed to pay an affiliate marketer a set fee or small commission once they make a sale (find a customer) for your product service or business.
This works very well as you only pay the affiliate once they have made the sale. This means that you have a positive cash flow process. Affiliate marketing is so strong as it uses social proofing, which is very important in the marketing world. This is why many large corporations across the Philippines and internationally work with affiliate marketers.
There are a few different options to begin. You can start your own affiliate marketing program or work with a company such as Involve Asia. Both options have pros and cons. Unfortunately, if you work with a large company such as I.A; there will be a fee involved; however, it does open up the doors to a large amount of traffic.
6. Getting Involved With The Community
Community is incredibly important, and this is one of the foundational steps of a successful business, and that is the people. To market your business for free and be successful, you will need to work with the community; therefore, directly getting involved with the community is a great way to market in the Philippines with no money.
So how do you get involved with the community and begin marketing? A simple approach is by sponsoring an event or team. If you have no money, perhaps you can offer your services for free in exchange for marketing. As a business owner, you continuously have to negotiate and make the best out of what you have, and the best way to do this is to work with people.
7. Collaborate With Other Businesses
Another option aside from getting involved with the community is collaborating with other businesses in your area or industry. Some businesses do not like to do this as they feel that this is their competition, but collaborations can be very successful in most cases.
I say depending on the industry at the end of that sentence because some industries work better than others. For example, collaborating is a fantastic idea if you are a YouTuber. This is because viewers don’t just watch one type of video. They watch many, and they consume several videos.
Collaboration also works very well if there is a problem that you are solving within the community. Several celebrities have attempted this before regarding plastic in the ocean, plantation of trees, etc. You don’t need to go as big as this, but having something that you work on will allow you to do good and would likely receive a lot of free marketing in the Philippines as a result.
8. Network & Attend Free Events
Networking is key to any successful business, product, or service. Unfortunately, due to the recent pandemic, networking has been more challenging. However, there are many opportunities still available. Online events can be found on Facebook and Meetup and are increasingly popular.
Depending on your area, they may be face-to-face events, or they would likely be in the near possible future. Therefore a good idea is to get yourself out there and begin networking. In addition, there are also many other benefits, including staying up to date with the latest information and technology within your industry.
9. Gather Emails
Email marketing has been a favorite of marketing professionals for many years, but why is this? Simply because targeted email marketing converts so well. This does depend on the campaign and the audience, but in general, data suggests that email marketing is a very effective form of marketing in today’s modern world.
Say, for example, you are interested in a service, and therefore, you sign up. Still, you realized the price is slightly too expensive… one day, you receive an email saying that there is 60% off for the next three days. Therefore you sign up and become a customer. That company utilized the power of email marketing, and you can do too.
10. Add Your Business On Google
This option is a great way to market your business in the Philippines with no money if you are a local business. Restaurant owners should definitely add their business to Google to appear on Google Maps. The process to add your business on Google is very simple, and I’ve attached a step-by-step guide on the hyperlink above.
If we’re going to a new place, most of us tend to Google maps the place to see its location and read the reviews. Personally speaking, there are many businesses that I have gone to that I would have never of come to before if it wasn’t for Google Maps. If you are a community-based business, it’s a great option to get free marketing in the Philippines.
11. Create A Free Course Or Guide
So what is a free course or guide, and how will this help you market your business or service in the Philippines? A free course or guide is usually an instructional video, audio file, or infographic content that provides value to the readers to help them go from point A to point B.
Let’s say, for example, you are trying to market a product. Your product solves a specific problem, but you notice that there’s no videos or blog about this problem and how to solve it. Thus, creating free content and guides allows you to gain traffic.
For example, this blog is 100% free. At the moment, we provide only information, but we will be growing this business into a product or service in the future. When we do that, we will have access to 85,000 + traffic a month (our currently monthly views) as a way of free marketing because we gave value and provided free courses and guides.
12. Reach Out To The Media
In my experience, the media only works well when you have something unique. If you are offering a product or service, it may not be newsworthy; however, if you have something unique to offer or have a good cause, reaching out to the media may be wise.
Previously, there have been businesses that have worked with media outlets where they have offered something very valuable. In general, the bigger the media outlet, the more difficult it is to be featured. If you are in a small area such as a province, it may be much easier to be featured than in the media of a big city.
The Process On How To Market In The Philippines
It may be surprising to some, but currently, there are hundreds of different types of marketing in the modern world. In addition, as technology is involved, new marketing trends, tactics, and strategies are being invented.
Most of these sub marketing categories fall under a larger category such as traditional marketing, digital marketing, awareness marketing, and so on. so in this section, we will not be going over each of these sections but instead covering how to market your product or service in the Philippines so that you can be successful in your campaign.
The first step on how to market in the Philippines with no money or with lots of money is research. You will need to find out about your customers and your industry as much as possible. The great news is if you are budgeting, there is a lot of information that can be found online.
However, suppose you do have a little bit of money to spend. In that case, a great option is to hire a freelancer on platforms such as Fiverr as many of the researchers there have paid platforms which they used to conduct their job, and therefore you will be able to see the results from a fraction of the cost.
Once you have all the research about your industry and your customers. The next stage is to choose what type of marketing is best for your business right now. For example, if you are a brand new business, awareness marketing may be a great option, but the good news is you do not have to choose just one option.
The challenging part of any marketing campaign is to see what works. So even though it’s not a good idea to have lots of marketing campaigns running (unless they are profitable), many marketing campaigns are often needed to discover what works best for you.
The next stage on how to market a product in the Philippines (or service) is to gather your results and make informed decisions based on the results of your marketing campaign. For example, you may find that your Facebook ads work very well for immediate customers. Still, your no-cost YouTube Videos bring customers in slower but are much cheaper for your business.
Therefore once you have the results of your campaigns, you can then make future marketing decisions that will lead your business in the right direction. Unfortunately, many businesses fail to interpret their results. With marketing, it is not just about the numbers but also the time frames, the cost per customer, brand recognition, etc.
To summarize, to market successfully in the Philippines, you will need to research the market and your customer fully, choose the appropriate marketing campaigns from your research, begin your marketing operations, investigate your results, and finally take the appropriate actions that will lead to future growth.
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