Where To Invest 50k Pesos In The Philippines?… In our present time, it’s not always the easiest task to save money. However, despite the rising costs of living and everyday expenses you have 50K ready to invest so, the question next is, where to invest 50K pesos? The world is full of opportunities.
Today, we will be looking at these opportunities and diving into the best places to invest 50K pesos in the Philippines to maximize our returns.
Table of Contents
Where To Invest 50K In The Philippines?
Invest 50000 Pesos In Bitcoins Or Altcoins
Recommended investment period: 1-3 years Potential returns: 100’S OR MORE %
There are quite literally thousands of cryptocurrencies on the market to date. There are also approximately 10 to 15 new cryptocurrencies being added as tradable assets every month.
Is it possible to find the next Bitcoin and earn thousands of percent on your original investment? Yes, it’s completely possible to earn 100’s of percent on your return. On rare occasions, sometimes even in a single day! But, as we know from historical data, some cryptocurrencies can almost lay dormant for many years before they erupt.
It’s also important to mention that most cryptocurrencies achieve great returns in the long term. Even though a cryptocurrency can increase in value 100%, 200%, 300%, or more in 24 hours, it’s unlikely. The hard part is finding the right asset at the right time and the right price.
So, how did Bitcoin happen? I mean, how did people become so rich from bitcoin? Bitcoin did not happen overnight. If you are looking for the next Bitcoin, you will potentially need to do what those investors did and hold on. We have spoken about Bitcoin many times at filipinowealth.com. Many experts and investors do believe that Bitcoin will be the future. In 2013 Bitcoin was hardly worth anything. The price steadily increased over the years until it hit its peak in December 2017.
In other words, even though Bitcoin is currently worth hundreds of thousands of pesos, many experts and professional investors believe that one day Bitcoin will become worth millions of pesos.
In reality, investors don’t know which cryptocurrency will be the next Bitcoin. Moreover, we don’t even know if there will be a cryptocurrency with a similar performance as Bitcoin.
So, what do investors know? First, when it comes to any investment, it’s important, we look at the future and the potential value this cryptocurrency (or other assets) will bring. Why? Because when we break down the complexity of the business, the value (on some level or another) brings the cash flow.
Where do I start? A great source of information can be found on Coinmarketcap, which stocks all the cryptocurrencies, both new and old. Once you have found a few you are interested in, you can start to look at their business vision, how they are trading, and ask yourself if you see this asset being valuable? If you are unsure about cryptocurrencies, thousands of websites and YouTube videos speak about this completely free topic.
Many businesses sell courses and teach you how to earn money with cryptocurrency. If you don’t have the time to research this information, investment in a course or trading provider might be a good idea. However, it can be found online for free if you wish to find this information for yourself. So, when it comes down to asking the question, where to invest 50K pesos? The answer you are looking for could be in the cryptocurrency world.
50K investment In The Philippines stock exchange
Recommended Investment Period: 5+ years Potential returns: 7-12% annually on average
A fantastic place to invest 50K pesos in the Philippines is within the Philippine Stock Exchange. If you have never invested in the Stock Exchange before and wonder how to do so, then fear not. Here is Filipino Wealth; we have put together a full guide on the Stock Exchange and many other articles covering this topic.
Initially, you may have some questions about this investment so let look at these right now. Is the Philippines Stock Exchange a good investment? Yes, it is. There are some criteria that you will need to reach if you are looking to maximize your profits.
Below are a few quick points to look for when deciding to buy stocks. Remember, this does not mean the stock will be a good buy or that you will make a profit from it. The market as we know can go up and down very rapidly at the time. Nevertheless, these points will help guide you to find a hidden diamond in the Philippines stock exchange.
P.S these are my guidelines that are taken straight from my investment diary. 😉
- Buy Stocks That Have A History Of Paying Dividends
- Buy Stocks That Have Future Potential
- Buy Stocks That I Believe Is Undervalued
- Buy Fairly Active Stocks
- Buy At The Right Price
Is there a perfect time to buy? I’m not sure there is ever a perfect time to invest, but we have very good points in history where we can invest to maximize our profits and see much greater gains. For example, in the last 20 years, two major events have had a negative impact on stocks and their price.
The first one was in 2008 during the “credit crunch / financial depression” The second was more recent during the Coronavirus outbreak. Both times stocks went to an all-time low level. Millions of pesos were wiped out during this time. As an investor, you don’t need to wait until a disaster, or natural event happens before investing in the Philippine Stock Exchange. But if you can time it right, then you could indeed make a larger profit than normal.
In short, if you are wondering where to invest 50K pesos in the Philippines, then the Philippine Stock Exchange may be the answer for you.
Invest 50K Into Unit Investment Trust Fund / UITF Philippines
Recommended Investment Period: 1-3 years Potential returns: Up to 18% (Based on last years performance)
Our next investment! If you ask where to invest 50k pesos in the Philippines, the answer may be with your local bank. Most major banks such as BDO, Security Bank, China Bank, and others have an investment product called a UITF.
Bank | Minimum Investment |
BDO | 10,000 |
China Bank | 5,000 |
Security Bank | 10,000 |
PNB | 10,000 |
Land Bank | 5,000 |
Metro Bank | 10,000 |
If you’ve never come across the investment type of UITF, Then I shall quickly summarize. A UITF is where your money and other investors’ money are pulled together into one pot. The control of this pot is at the hands of a specialist who invests the pot in financial assets such as bonds. Then, the UITF aims to bring investors a high return on that original investment.
Because an expert manages this fund, banks will charge a fee for their service. Normally this is a low fee (under 1-4% in most cases). There are also many different types of UITF to choose from. For example, if you look at Security Bank, they have a great showcase of UTIFs. They highlight the most aggressive funds as well as their low-risk and moderate funds.
Is this a good investment? Yes, it is a great investment. Some investors have seen very large returns on their investment in recent years with UTIF through their banks. However, with any investment, there is always an element of risk. As this investment is tied up with the market, your investment may also drop if the market drops.
Invest 50K Into A Business Such As A Ecommerce / Dropshipping
Recommended investment period: Continuous Potential returns: 15-25% Profit margin per item
eCommerce / drop shipping businesses have been fairly trendy in recent years due to the easy setup of this business thanks to technology, the low maintenance costs, and potentially high-profit levels.
So, what’s the difference? Both businesses are similar but have a few different methods in which they operate. Dropshipping tends to be the process where you do not hold any inventory, but you can sell other people’s products. Once a sale from your website has been made, you then put the customer details into the supplier’s website, which completes the sales process.
Ecommerce is the name for the business that sells products online. This includes both private label businesses (the process of selling your brand products) and drop shipping.
Here at Filipino Wealth, we often speak about the strengths and benefits that the Philippines has above other countries. We mostly talk about this on our Instagram and Facebook page, so if you haven’t seen that allows me to run through a few key points quickly.
Due to the climate and location of the Philippines, certain things are in demand in other countries that could benefit a Filipino entrepreneur. Take, for example, coconuts. Coconuts have many different uses. The shells can be crushed up and used, the oils can be extracted and bottled, and the list continues. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to grow coconuts in some countries, so some countries rely heavily on imports and have done for hundreds of years.
This is one example of many. There are many strengths in the Philippines. In other words, the uniqueness of available products can be turned into a profitable business for the right entrepreneur. You don’t need to pick a product just because it’s unique in the Philippines or that it’s cheap. Some entrepreneurs started an eCommerce store by buying products from India and China and selling these in the Philippines or other parts of the world.
We mentioned the county’s strengths because an added benefit from the external geographical location can help a business take off. If you wonder where To Invest 50k Pesos In The Philippines, our costs must be kept under 50K. When a country is abundant in a product, typically, the product is cheaper, which falls into our hands.
Ecommerce business models have changed rapidly over the years. Even though this may seem negative, it is positive. As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to play around with your business and expand the limitations that are other eCommerce stores have put upon themselves. Your profits are uncapped. So, if you’re looking for the best places to invest 50K in the Philippines, then starting your own eCommerce business might be the right solution for you.
Start Angel Investing In The Philippines
Recommended investment Period: 5+ Years Potential returns: 100’s, even sometimes 1000’s of percent
When looking at where To Invest 50k Pesos In The Philippines, you may not initially think about Angel Investing. If you’ve come across the term Angel investing, but you don’t know what that means, then let quickly look at this. Angel investing is another word for investing in a company that is often in its very beginning stages.
For example, let’s meet a young businessman called bob. He wants to start a taxi business in the city but does not have the funds. So, he will seek angel investors to invest in his company. In return, the investors will get a percentage of ownership in that company (similar to a public company on the Philippines stock exchange).
Investors can sometimes earn hundreds and even thousands of percent on their original investment, which is great news for individuals wondering where to invest 50K in the Philippines.
Just imagine if you invested in Apple, Microsoft, Grab, Food Panda, or even Jollibee when they first started. 5% (or even 1%) of these companies may not seem like a lot back initially, but now it would be worth millions/billions.
There are also risks associated with this type of investment. Mainly risk revolves around the concept that this business is brand new, and literally, anything could happen to jeopardize the company’s growth.
It can pay off for an investor when a private company becomes so successful that it then turns into a public company.
S public company is one where its stocks are listed on the Philippine Stock Exchange. You will then have an opportunity to sell your stocks or continue to hold your stocks with the hope that this business will grow even more while being on the Philippine Stock Exchange. This is the time you could make some very high profits.
Where can I invest in new companies? There are many different websites where you can invest in new companies. If you are a foreigner reading this, remember the law states (under most situations) that foreigners cannot own more than 40% of a company. However, if you are Filipino, then you will have no problems whatsoever.
The three companies above are the most popular for Angel investors across the Philippines.
The great thing about these sites is that you will find opportunities ranging from 50K peso up to millions of pesos. You will also find that there are many different companies, from religious-based corporations all the way to high-tech online marketing companies. You will find it all on these sites.
Open A Food cart business
Recommended investment period: Continuous Potential returns: Various – 15-65% per sold item.
It’s no secret that food cart businesses across the Philippines have become incredibly popular over the last few years.
Not all food cart businesses are successful, sadly. You could fall into many traps, many of which we spoke about in our full guide on how to start a food car business in the Philippines post a few weeks ago.
But if you can find a great location teamed together with trustable suppliers and a solid plan, then you should be able to emerge above the rest and succeed with this kind of business model.
Being successful with this kind of business is not easy, but at the same time, it’s not too difficult neither. So if you are wondering where to invest 50K peso in the Philippines, then a food cart business is a great opportunity for any entrepreneur to grow their business, especially if they have a passion for food.
I want to mention that some food cart businesses cost more than 50K pesos but not all will. For example, you may have the opportunity in your area to work with a franchising company. This will take the cost down slightly. Though, they will be royalty fees involved within most franchising companies.
In other words, you as an entrepreneur will need to weigh up if this is good or bad for your situation. If you are running your own food cart business, you are 100% flexible to do whatever you wish. However, if you are working with a franchising company, there will be certain limitations.
The takeaway message here is there are pros and cons to both business models, whether you’re setting up on your own or deciding to work with a franchising company.
Are there any quick tips? I would recommend it to anybody looking to set up a food cart business in the Philippines to differentiate yourself. Sometimes in busy areas, you will see many food cart businesses set up close to each other, offering the same kind of food and drink.
Offering the same is fine, especially if the customer wants this. But why will they go to you and not someone else? I drove 5 miles every morning to go to a café because they have seating and zoo theme. (Lots of funny stuffed animals and lay on while doing the work!) the drink and food were the same as anywhere else, but the café was different. This kept me coming back every day.
When setting up this kind of business, if you find your funds going over 50K pesos, you could potentially look into renting certain equipment to save overheads in the short term. This is a great idea, especially if you are not keen on committing to the equipment you will need for the business. Then, once you have started seeing a desire for your business, you can decide whether to buy the equipment fully.
To summarise, with any business there are pros and cons. However, with a solid plan and careful strategy, you can avoid many pitfalls other entrepreneurs have fallen into when setting up their own food cart business.
I would recommend you read our food cart business guide, as this breaks down every different element of starting up a food cart business for entrepreneurs.
Where To Invest 50K Pesos In The Philippines: Key Points
We always recommend speaking to a financial advisor before you embark on any financial decisions, as this could save you a lot of time and money in the long run. As a rule of thumb, entrepreneurs and investors should always have a plan which can help support their business or investment and always make sure there is a market demand for this journey you are starting.
If you do not have any investments and do not have a business, I would suggest entertaining the idea of setting up your own business. This is because when you set up your own business, you have more control in every direction. When you are investing in something that you have no control over, it could take a much longer time to see a return on your 50K pesos.
There were always business opportunities out there, and some of these are in the most unlikely places. For example, as we know, in early 2020, there was an outbreak of coronavirus that affected the whole world. A few days ago, I was reading a story where a young entrepreneur made over 200,000 pesos from selling a survival guide handbook about this situation.
At Filipino Wealth, we talk about all different investment opportunities and business opportunities and talk about some of the most pressing questions you as an entrepreneur have. Visit our other posts for more details on these. Thanks for reading “where to invest 50K in the Philippines”.
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