Upcoming Business Ideas In The Philippines: So what will be a booming business in the Philippines in 2025? This is a common question asked by many futurists and entrepreneurs. The Philippines’ domestic markets are continuously changing. Despite the pandemic impacting many industries, the Philippines economy is bouncing back.
So with all this being said, what are the best upcoming business ideas in the Philippines, and what industries will be booming in the Philippines in 2030 and beyond? Today we’re going to be looking at future business ideas in the Philippines, and towards the end, we will also be discussing some futuristic investment ideas in the Philippines.
Future Business Ideas In The Philippines
1. Remote Outsourcing Services
Over the last few years, outsourcing has been an industry that has grown rapidly in the Philippines. Due to the recent pandemic, many businesses have seen how effective outsourcing can be. Therefore, with the continuous changing of times and the recent evidence, it is clear that the Philippines’ outsourcing industry is here to stay. But what is a remote outsourcing service?
Some visionaries believe that many of us will be remote workers working from home. But instead of working for 1 business, we will be working for many businesses. So as we wake up in the morning and turn to our phone… we will be greeted with several job opportunities for that day from outsourcing centers which we can either accept or decline.
Naturally, this is an exciting upcoming business idea in the Philippines as the industry is booming, but it has faced criticism. Futuristic ideas can also take a long time to develop. However, some believe this future business idea in the Philippines may be around the corner.
2. Blockchain Services
When we think about blockchain services, we tend to think about cryptocurrencies and nonfungible tokens. Still, blockchain technology possesses many opportunities for future business ideas in the Philippines.
Blockchain technology can be extremely useful in the Philippines across several industries. If you are not familiar with blockchain technology, the simplest definition is a digital technology of decentralization. This technology includes a record of transactions. The network is used to keep these transactions accurate and act as security.
Naturally, blockchains can be developed differently depending on the goal and ownership, so even though some types of blockchain technology are decentralized, some are centralized. Nevertheless, blockchain technology is an upcoming business idea in the Philippines. (Possibly even helping existing businesses perform their operations more appropriately).
3. Electric Car Stations
Electric cars in the Philippines have been a talking topic for some time. According to ZigWheels, 11 electric car models are currently available in the Philippines. However, from the latest records from the land transportation office, the total number of electric cars in the Philippines is under 10,000.
So the question is, is this a good upcoming business in the Philippines as we look into the years 2025, 2030, and beyond? Some experts believe that the electric car industry will boom in the Philippines; however, speculation suggests electric vehicles will need to be more cost-effective before that happens.
With this future business idea in the Philippines comes several different options for entrepreneurs. one option is electric charging stations. Unfortunately, there are less than 50 registered electricity stations in the Philippines at the time of writing. So what other upcoming business ideas in the Philippines are there?

4. Drone Delivery
In recent years, you may have heard in the news that Amazon has released an Amazon prime air delivery service. This delivery service delivers items from the Amazon warehouse directly to the customer via a drone. Other companies have also attempted to implement the drone delivery service.
Unfortunately, there are some technical hurdles to overcome. So it is unlikely that this will become a mainstream business idea in the Philippines anytime soon. However, as we look into the next 10 to 20 years, this could be a common service that we all use, some leading experts suggest.
Large businesses such as Grab or Lazada will likely have their version of this technology if this service becomes common in the future. However, smaller businesses will likely want to get a piece of the action. Therefore drone delivery businesses may be a common B2B business idea for the future in the Philippines.
5. Staffless Stores
Japan, Singapore, and America are just a few countries that recently launched independent and staffless stores. Each store is slightly different, but essentially, customers will scan in once they arrive. Every item taken or scanned using a machine will be debited from the customer’s account. As mentioned, the process differs slightly depending on the store.
Some of these stores have become popular, while others have unfortunately flopped. But will this be a future business idea, and will we see staffless stores? This future business idea in the Philippines has mixed reviews. Naturally, security is one of the main concerns. However, if this becomes the norm, it opens up several opportunities for business owners.
Do you think this will be a future business in the Philippines? Whatever the answer, 1 futuristic business idea in the Philippines that is here to stay is cyber security.
6. Cyber Security
From speaking to visionaries and technically savvy entrepreneurs, it’s clear that cyber security is one of the Philippines’ biggest and most profitable future business ideas.
Every type of business that is online will need cyber security services. Naturally, large corporations and financial institutes will require the best cyber security, and many companies will develop their own in-house services. But what about the smaller corporations?
This service opens up several options, and the great news for those interested in cyber security is that there are many different customers. Here are a few examples of customers that will benefit from cyber security.
- Bloggers
- E-Commerce Store Owners
- Education And Universities
- Forums
- Local Government
- Non Profit Organisations
Naturally, cyber security is an ongoing battle. Security in the cyber world is becoming more technologically advanced, but at the same time, hackers and scammers are also developing their skill sets. This is an ongoing battle in the war of cyber security.
7. Spiritual Awakening Businesses
Spiritual awakening is not a new concept; however, spiritual awakening is becoming a more desired goal in our modern world. In ancient times it was once said that the secret of happiness is not found in seeking more but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. Minimalists know this to be true and other individuals have turned to a spiritual awakening for a better way of life.
Spirituality and religious beliefs are not always the same. Some individuals express themselves as spiritual but do not believe in a God or gods. Some believe in the power of the universe, while others believe in a more traditional belief. This is why spiritual awakening businesses can take many different forms as we look into upcoming business ideas in the Philippines.
The great thing about a futuristic business idea such as spiritual awakening in the Philippines is that the business operations can be flexible. For example, you may wish to grow your spiritual business online. Alternatively, your business can go down the traditional spirituality route.
8. 3D Printing Businesses
3D printing services can be very handy as these handy printers can make just about anything! Therefore, these futuristic business ideas in the Philippines often work when creating an in-demand product.
Finding that perfect product is always the difficult part of a business. The product must be something that can be scaled and also be cost-effective for the consumer and the business. But it doesn’t always have to be a fantastic innovational idea. For example, in Europe, fidget spinners became a popular trend…
… 3D printer owners were able to make and design several unique fidget spinners for the market in a short amount of time. Naturally, most fidget spinners were made in China, but some local sellers could design unique fidget spinners and capitalize on this trend.
9. Disappearing From The Internet Services
During the investigation of this article, I spoke to visionaries and conducted several days of research. However, this idea comes from several concepts I have picked up during my study.
Privacy is an important area and also a concern for many individuals. Companies and social media platforms have been known to push the boundaries of privacy, and the world is continuously collecting data of individuals and the general public. So, what does disappearing from the Internet mean?
Fundamentally, this is a service that helps individuals regain privacy by deleting their data. By regulation (depending on the country), businesses must abide by local law. This includes deleting records and information they have. This includes social media and other forms of online records.
10. Virtual And Augmented Reality
Virtual reality has become a useful tool in the pandemic world. In addition, thanks to Facebook (Meta) releasing the Oculus2 several years ago, virtual reality has been more accessible for low-income families. But what does the future hold in the virtual world?
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg believes that the virtual world will be used to conduct meetings and discussions from your home to anywhere in the world. This also expands onto the idea of augmented reality.
Unfortunately, technology has not advanced enough in this field to be considered the norm. Still, some experts believe that with the growth in technology, consumers will see much lower prices for headsets and an overall improvement in user experience.
11. Coworking Spaces
Coworking spaces are fantastic futuristic business ideas in the Philippines. Coworking spaces allow individuals to work with others rather than stay at home. They are also common, but why is this an upcoming business idea in the Philippines?
Many experts believe that more of us will be working independently in the future. Still, as several negative feelings are associated with working alone (anxiety, boredom, depression, etc.), some believe coworking spaces will become a high-demand service.
If you are interested in this upcoming business in the Philippines, you may wish to look at our full guide on starting a coworking space in the Philippines that goes through the process and what you need to know as a business owner.
12. Verification Businesses
So what exactly is a verification business, and why is it important? It is incredibly easy to create a fake account on many different platforms. Some platforms require a telephone number and an email address, but there are even services that can provide a general telephone number and email address to get around this challenge.
A verification business is a business that aims to verify the user. This may not be implemented in social media just yet, but it has started to be used in other businesses, such as the financial world.
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Cryptocurrency businesses need to follow procedures, and one of these procedures is the KYC (Know your customer). This regulation is part of many cryptocurrency platforms and supports anti-money laundering laws. However, we can expect verification to be a common practice in the future, which opens up the door of opportunity.
13. Stem Cell Businesses
Stem cell businesses are incredibly futuristic but can be a common upcoming business in the Philippines in years to come. If you are unfamiliar with SSR, essentially, this is growing stem cells in a laboratory. These can then be grown into several cells, such as the heart muscle nerve cells or blood cells.
Many visionaries believe that in the future if you need a new kidney or another organ, you can request one from a stem cell research business. Some creative thinkers also add that machines will make these organs by integrating technology such as 3D printers.
Naturally, this type of business is both exciting and problematic. However, this may be a unique business in the distant future in the Philippines.
14. NFT Marketplaces & Services
Previously we have explored the world of NFTs and how entrepreneurs can earn money from playing NFT games; therefore, I have linked these articles above for your reference. But what is an NFT marketplace, and what future does this have in the Philippines?
Nonfungible tokens can be digital art, in-game accessories, and so much more. However, as NFTs need to be minted on the blockchain, a distribution marketplace is needed. Many NFT marketplaces exist, but with the rise of popularity of NFTs in the Philippines, it is likely more marketplaces, and NFT services will open domestically.
Unfortunately, the nonfungible token world is uncertain, and it’s still extremely new. Therefore, similar to how Bitcoin was in the early days, it faces many criticisms. However, if the market adopts nonfungible tokens, blockchain technology fused with NFTs may soon become a popular business in the Philippines.
Futuristic Investment Ideas In The Philippines
As we look at future business ideas in the Philippines, you may wonder if there are any futuristic investment ideas in the Philippines? The increase of technology and the ever-growing change brings new opportunities for investments. Therefore in this section, we will be looking at some unique future investment ideas in the Philippines.
Solar Farming Investments
According to leaverage.com, solar farming is a long-term investment with the potential for solid profits. Naturally, similar to other types of investment, solar farming works well on scale. If you are investing as an individual (instead of with a business), you may find profits are more worthwhile when you can grow your project through scale.
Cryptocurrency & NFT Investments
Above, we focused on the power of blockchain and the relationship between cryptocurrency and nonfungible tokens. The Philippines ranks number one in terms of the popularity of nonfungible tokens. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is also a common investment in the Philippines. Therefore, investments in blockchain technology look promising as we look into futuristic investment ideas in the Philippines.
Accessible Foreign Markets
At this current moment, Filipinos can invest in foreign markets. Unfortunately, it’s not the most accessible. Some believe that investments in foreign markets will become much more accessible globally. Additionally, many emerging markets open up opportunities for savvy investors across South East Asia.
Virtual Reality Startups
Virtual reality is an industry that is continuously changing, and it is an idea that is believed to be Profitable. So much that Facebook has even changed its name to Meta. Furthermore, virtual reality comes in several forms, including games, education, and professional structures. Therefore it’s only natural that new virtual reality businesses will develop in the Philippines in the upcoming years.
Entertainment Based Platforms
Entertainment is something humans have enjoyed the thousands of years. But as times have changed, so have the platforms we have used to indulge in entertainment. The TikTok platform is a classic example. Therefore, investing in an upcoming entertainment platform or service in the Philippines may be common. So, what do you think is the best futuristic investment idea in the Philippines / Upcoming Business Ideas In The Philippines?
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