Every entrepreneur who has earned millions of pesos from a business in the Philippines once started with an idea. Therefore, it’s important whatever our financial goal, we always have a foundational idea that will be the vehicle to help us achieve our goal. Today we are discussing the best businesses in the Philippines.
With the growth of the economy and the expansion of technology, it’s now even easier to set up a business in the Philippines.
Today we’re going to be sharing with you the ultimate list of best business ideas in the Philippines. We have mixed in some traditional as well as modern businesses and included some special businesses that are ahead of their time. We have also included some business ideas that can be started with very little capital (5000 pesos or less in most situations) and included some ideas where you will need a very large amount of capital.
It’s also important to briefly mention that the majority of these business ideas can be grown into a Corporation and even in some cases passive income. this will depend on the market and a few other factors we will mention below.
If you are interested in more business ideas in the Philippines, then head on over and visit our special list of 144 new business ideas in the Philippines.
To save you time, if you are looking for a certain keyword or phrase you may be able to find this quicker by pressing “CTRL + F” and enter your keyword. (If using a PC) Let’s take a look at some of the best businesses in the Philippines!
Table of Contents
What Are The Best Businesses In The Philippines for 2022
3d Printing Business
A 3D printing business is a business that is presently HOT. With a 3D printing business, you can print just about anything. Because of this, your clients can be either businesses or everyday folks. The benefit is that this business can be focused on just about any industry. As this is a new industry, this could be one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
A Digital Colouring Book App
Some digital coloring apps have some skillful developers millions of dollars across the world. This business is often marketed toward children. In early 2020 during the lockdown period of the Coronavirus, some digital coloring book apps reported an increase in downloads by 100’s of percent.
Abandon Cart Plugging
Online stores are flooding with data from customers who have not followed through with the sale. Most online store owners believe an abandoned cart plugin (which often offers premium features) is an essential plugin or extension to their website.
Accounting Business
An accounting business helps business customers with their accounting needs. Due to the expansion of the Philippines’ business sector, more accounting services are in demand.
Affiliate Business
An affiliate business is a way you can earn a commission from the sale of other people’s products. For example, Bodyoo.com allows you to sell its products to your customers whether inside or outside of the Philippines. You will receive a commission for each sale. There are also many other affiliate websites and other brands that offer this program.
After Party Cleaning Crew Business
Some venues do not provide cleaning services. An after-party cleaning crew is exactly as the name suggests. A small number of people who are hired to clean venues after an event.
Age Verification Company
There are many reasons why you may need to verify somebody’s age. This can be for modeling or in order to sell a certain product or service to an individual. If you can build software or an app around this, then there is a demand for this service.
Air Scent / Essential Oil Business
This type of essential oil business has been around for many years now. If you are selling these products, then I would suggest through an online business as many customers who buy these products are based overseas.
Air-Condition Business
Air conditioning units sometimes past the warranty and require servicing and repairs. This is the purpose of an air conditioning business. This business cleans maintains and fixes any repairs you have with your air conditioning unit.
An Airline business may seem like a crazy idea because you would need millions and millions of pesos. An airline is not always as big as Philippine Airlines for instance. Sometimes airlines are single routines (one plane going to one national destination per week)
Album Cover Designing Business
If you are an artist or you’re good at designing, then an album cover design business could be a business idea for you. In the Philippines, Filipinos are known to have an interest in singing and karaoke, some even progress into becoming professional singers. These people need design work for their album / promotional work.
All In One Store
Typically, an all-in-one store sells items from stationery all the way to pet care. Therefore, these stores have become popular previously. However, if you are starting this business in a physical location there will be a large amount of capital (potentially) that will need to be obtained. Can this be one of the best businesses in the Philippines? Absolutely with the right strategy.
Animation Creator
Due to the age of technology animation has become an increasingly popular way to advertise for businesses but some businesses do not have the time or skill to animate marketing material. This is one area where the demand for animating services comes from.
App Developers
Apps can take many different forms from simple games to smaller extensions of a website. Designing an app is not an easy process therefore so most companies outsource this work to an app developing company. This skill is very useful in today’s business world.
Architect Service
In the Philippines, there are certain cities and areas that are going through a promising progression. For example, the real estate section has been growing year after year in recent times. Therefore, architects are needed for many different types of projects including real estate projects.
Art Equipment Business
Art is a popular hobby and pastime for people of all generations. So, it’s no surprise that art equipment businesses have been on the rise in recent years. This kind of business works best where supply is limited.
Auction Business
Everybody knows of the famous eBay. Luckily auction sites don’t stop at eBay. There are many different types of auction shops in many different types of countries. This business is not the easiest to start or maintain but if successful it can be a very lucrative business for an entrepreneur.
Audition Website business
Similar to an auction business, an auction website business is where you auction off websites. Let’s say we have a website called filipinowealth.com! If we wanted to sell this website through an auction, then we could through the power of an auction website business to reach more buyers.
Automatic Software
Many different businesses across the world, especially in the Philippines, rely on automated software. This can range from a simple thank you email all the way to a monthly subscription. All these actions are performed through automatic software. Predictions on automatic software business include an unprecedented increase in this sector.
Baby Equipment Store
The baby market generates millions each year. This ranges from health care all the way to toys and education. A business in this market could resell products and even sell its own brand of products.
Backlink Building Service
When a website is new it needs backlinks to grow and signal to search engines that the content on its page is worth ranking for. Businesses and website owners spend a large amount of funding on quality backlinks to grow their domain authority. This could be one of the best businesses in the Philippines as your customer can be based globally.
A bakery business model has been around for some time now. Business owners are now utilizing the power of foodpanda.com and grab.com to reach more customers. Some are even expanding the business to sell other foods that are not under the bakery umbrella.
Baseball Cage
Baseball cages can be part of a leisure complex or on their own. However, through experience, this type of sports facility tends to be used much more as part of a leisure establishment. Offering weekly lessons could increase cash flow and welcome new customers to your business.
Basketball courts are common in many areas. If you are thinking about opening up your own basketball court, then this court will need to be of a high standard to entice customers to pay for something they can get for free. Like a baseball cage business, you will need to offer extra service to see a healthy return on investment.
Beachwear Store
If there is one thing the Philippines is known for then it’s most definitely the stunning beaches. Beachwear is a great business to start. The benefit is that capital to start a business like this is low. The benefit is sadly also a disadvantage in some situations as many people could start a business like this. To get ahead it’s import you differentiate your brand.
Bike Rental Service
Bicycle rentals work best in locations that are popular with tourists. These can be rented out daily weekly or even hourly in some cases. The great thing about this business is that bicycles require little maintenance and therefore a good amount of profit can be made from this business. This can be one of the best businesses in the Philippines if you are able to find the right location.
Bio-Degradable Packaging Business
As the world has started its war on plastic and the effect that plastic is having, more companies are moving to the decision to sell their products with biodegradable packaging. The outlook in this business industry shows us that this is predicted to increase in the near future.
Bitcoin ATM
Another popular topic across the world and in the Philippines is the rise of Bitcoin. As we know Bitcoin is extremely valuable but also extremely volatile. ATMs for Bitcoin have been popping up across the world this is a somewhat futuristic business at this time, but one that could be very valuable in the years to come.
Blog / Vlog
In present times, business owners can increase streams of income from their websites and online sales through the power of blogs. Those who don’t have a business use blogging as a way to provide a service and monetize content by selling courses, products and monetizing adverting.
Blog Spell Checking Business
Many content writers who produce mass content sometimes fail to see simple grammar. (including me…oops) Because of this content creators require the services of a proofreader for the content. This business is not as popular as some however if you are able to find the right customer it can be a great source of income.
Board & Card Game Business
When we think of board games, we tend to think about the most popular board games such as snakes and ladders or monopoly. Board games, however, can cover a vast amount of different types of games. Even though developers are moving towards apps rather than physical games there are still many businesses that have made serious money in setting up this business. (E.g. Cards Against Humanity, Pie Face, etc)
Boat Repairing Business
A repairing business is something that is a very specific niche. Because of this. entrepreneurs can zoom in to their target audience more easily. There is room for growth especially if you can build a brand around this business model.
Book Artist Business
If you have a natural skill for drawing or illustration, then a book artist business might be right for you. Many writers like to add illustrations to their books and require the skills of an artist. This business also applies to design work that is online for example on iPads.
Book Cover Designing Business
As the old saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. However, booksellers know that image is incredibly important when it comes to selling a book. Colors, fonts, word patterns, and sizes all have an impact on catching the reader’s attention.
Bookkeep Business
Bookkeeping is an essential part of most businesses. Most successful businesses use the skill of delegation and have outsourced their weaknesses of bookkeeping to skilled individuals in the Philippines. This is often through an outsourcing call center.
Bowling Centre Business
Bowling is a great day out for the family. Something else the bowling center business is (if in the right location) is profitable. These kinds of businesses tend to be part of other businesses such as an arcade or ice rink.
Boxing Gym
If you’re looking for the best business ideas in the Philippines, you can almost guarantee that gyms will be high on the list. Some gyms are choosing to specialize in certain areas such as bodybuilding or boxing.
Build Your Own Art Store
I’ve seen a few of these in certain locations around the world and I always noticed that they are extremely busy. A build your own art stores provide everything artists need but everything is in a single form, therefore, you do not buy a package. This seems very cheap for the customers but, often the customers pay more than what they would have done if the items were packaged together.
Build Your Own Backpack Shop
Backpacks are used by all different types of people Not just tourists and travelers. The appeal of building your own backpack is you can decide what it looks like, what it includes, and this also has the benefit of being a unique experience.
Build Your Own Pizza Restaurant
Pizza is a food that most of us love! Most pizza restaurants provide a menu including pepperoni pizza, Hawaiian pizza, vegetarian pizza, and others. Only a few allow customers to build their own pizza, even to the point of deciding what dough they want for their base.
Build Your Own Teddy Bear Shop
Building your own teddy bear is very popular in Western countries. It has also been slowly coming into the Asian markets in certain regions. The supplies for the bear itself are often relatively cheap especially if you import from China.
Business Card & Statuary Business
Once a business is set up, most entrepreneurs move on to the next stage which includes building a name for their brand or product. Business cards and personalized stationery allow a business to do this.
Business Consultant
When you have a business, it’s difficult to see what’s going wrong and what areas you need to focus on. Because of this, businesses decide to hire the services of a business consultant to help them with improvements and growth.
Business Data Service
Data service is a business or an individual whose job is to input information from one system to another. Often when data is the same, the software can be used to input this information. However, when data is unique or complex then business data services may be called upon.
Business Loan Company
Business loans are very popular across the Philippines. It’s important if you’re starting a business loan company to get familiar with your responsibilities with law.
Business Name Generating Service
When you have looked at the best business ideas in the Philippines you may decide to open your own business and one of the first questions you may have is what should you call your business? A business name generating is a nice online service where you can make money through advertisement or through commission for selling domain names to your visitors.
Business Planning Services
Similar to a business consulting company a business planning service can also be an individual or a team of business planning agents. This could be one of the best businesses in the Philippines as this has many different opportunities for growth.
Cake Designer
Have you seen those videos across social media that showcase amazing cakes being designed using incredible color and beautiful decoration? This is a great business for the Philippines. Another thing that is also good to note is the price some of these cakes sell for!
Camera Rental Business
Camera rental businesses can be very lucrative but there is an element of risk attached to this kind of business. When I arrived in Cebu for the first time, I desperately needed a GoPro for the week after speaking to other travelers they also admitted trying to find this service.
Camping Equipment Store
Camping and glamping require many different types of equipment to ensure a safe and rested experience. Camping stores can be set up in physical locations or through an eCommerce store and even through a dropshipping business model.
Car / Motorbike Cleaning Service
When you think about some of the best business ideas in the Philippines. a car or motorbike cleaning service may not be high on that list. However, with low start-up and maintenance costs, this business is a relatively easy business to start.
Car Insurance Comparison Website
Car insurance is a must, however, there are many different insurance companies on the market. With an insurance comparison website, you can allow customers to find the best deal for their money.
Car Pooling Service
This is a unique business idea for those who are living in the city. A carpooling service is where you go to a destination taking other people to the same place for a small fee. The cost will be lower per person compared to a taxi.
Car Wrapping Business
Car wrapping is a popular modifier for car enthusiasts. The materials needed can be purchased and imported to the Philippines for a lower price than what you would pay locally. (in many cases) Which makes this business more appealing.
Career Advice Service
A career advice service is a business that helps unemployed individuals find employment and give advice on their careers in general. This business is very rewarding and can be very financially profitable also.
Catering Business
The catering business has been around for some time now. So, it’s important that you differentiate yourself with this kind of business model.
Celebrity Memorabilia Seller
There are many famous Filipinos that have gained fame from around the world. If you can obtain or flip memorabilia to a devoted fan, then this could be a great side hustle.
Citizen Journalism Website.
There have been a few of these websites set up in Canada and the US in recent years with great success. The model is simple. People write content on your platform to generate views. This expands its reach and provides you with content that you can monetize. As this is a specific niche this could be one of the best businesses in the Philippines for the right business person.
Click To Print Website
There are many different types of websites. One of which is the click-to-print website. This business model is simple and can be quite profitable if you are able to attract the right audience.
Coconut Oil Factory Business
One of the strengths of the Philippines is its diverse range of organic fruit and vegetables. Therefore, businesses involving these strengths are amongst the best business ideas in the Philippines.
Cod Liver Oil Business
Asia is known for its high amount of fish eaters. But, certain parts of the world especially the western diet do not contain enough Omega 3 and Omega 6. Therefore, cod liver oil businesses have been on the rise over the last 10 to 15 years.
Coding Business
Coding is in everything we do in the age of technology. However, not everybody has the skill of coding. Thus, a coding business can become very profitable to the right entrepreneur.
Coffin Manufacturer
There’s one thing that we will all experience and that is death. As you know funerals can be quite expensive. If you can undercut the competition or even export your product you may be able to value in this industry.
Comedian Services
A comedian service can cover many different types of events. For example, there are some comedian services that attend weddings and parties and there were also comedian services whose job it is to find and recruit the best talent for TV radio and online.
Company That Sells Sawdust / Sand Etc.
Many companies sell sawdust, sand, and other materials for construction purposes. Due to the development of the Philippines, there has been a rise in the demand for certain elements needed for construction.
Conflict Negotiation Service
Do you have a problem with your friends or an argument that you can’t overcome? There are services out there that cover conflict negotiation services to help a conflict between a team or between people.
Content Writer
Content writing is a very popular skill in today’s world. websites that have blogs and articles have been proven to rank higher on search engines than those that do not. As a content writing business owner, you will be able to provide these services to the demanding public.
Convenience Store
We recently spoke about how to start your own 711 stores and how to franchise this famous chain. If you can find the right location, then this business idea can be very profitable and provide value to your area.
Copywriting Service
With the function of modern business copywriting services are highly in demand across the world and that is especially true in the Philippines. With this business, you will be able to find your customers both inside and outside the Philippines. Therefore, it’s one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Credit Card Comparison Website
There are many different credit card companies and services across the Philippines. The question is which one offers the best right for an individual. This is the purpose of a credit card comparison website. With the right management, this could be one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Crowdfunding Website
A start-up is now as popular as ever but one of the problems that entrepreneurs face in the financial part. Crowdfunding platforms are a great business for a good return on investment.
Cryptocurrency Trading
Cryptocurrencies are always in the financial news for one reason or another. Due to the expansion and development, As of mid-2020. There are 5000 + different cryptocurrencies on the tradable market.
Cryptocurrency Training Course
This business can be run from anywhere in the world. So, if you are looking for flexibility this could be for you. This business works well through affiliate programs and can be very profitable as the course is normally sold online.
Customer Feedback Software
Customer software is a popular and profitable business. If you are tech-savvy you can build a successful software model that can be sold anywhere in the world.
Customer Service Business
In the Philippines, call centers and outsourcing businesses are very popular. After looking through the numbers, it’s clear that there is a lot of profit to be made through this kind of business. For this and many other reasons, it’s one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Dancing Class Business
If you enjoy teaching, then a great business in the Philippines is to open a dance class studio. You can then open this up to teach group classes and even tailor your class to target areas such as fitness/weight loss.
Data Storing Business
Data storage is a popular need for many online businesses and is used by non-business induvial. This business will require many different hats but if built and marketing correctly it can be a very profitable business in the Philippines.
Dating Consulting Business
I was watching a TV show last week, the guy on the show was a Filipino but moved to Thailand. He opened a dating service for foreigners and Thai. There are many different types of consulting businesses you could open either in or outside of the Philippines.
Dating Service
A dating service is a little different from a consulting business. A dating site could be anything from a website to an app. You can offer memberships plans or special insights for additional services.
Day Trip Businesses
If you are in the right location, day trip businesses can be some of the best businesses in the Philippines. This is because the cost is often cheap, and visitors are willing to pay for convenience.
Designer Bag Store
A designer bag business is a great way of following your passion and at the same time earning income. The most important part of this business (especially in the Philippines) is to build your brand. The image is everything!
Dog Breeding Business
If you are good at looking after animals and maintaining their highest warfare, then this may be the right business for you. It is important not to become a puppy farm! The customer is wise and knows when the animals are sick. There will be some costs in this business at the start and during the maintenance.
Dog Walking Service
Another side hustle is a dog walking service. This is a great business to start if you do not have a lot of capital. You can also expand this business to include additional services.
Domain Flipping
They say that domain names are the real estate of the internet. There are some very famous domain names that have been sold for millions of dollars. The shorter the domain name the better financial value in most cases.
Drone Distributor
Drones are becoming popular, especially in the travel industry. Some people are using their drones to sell their footage to businesses. As a drone distributor, you can sell your products to the demanding market.
Drop shipping Business
A drop shipping business is a process of setting up a website and selling third parties’ products. The great thing is that there are little start-up costs. In recent years people have questioned if this is one of the best businesses in the Philippines for modern times. Whatever the answer is, there are indeed pros and cons to this kind of business.
Earthquake Safety Equipment
Earthquakes are common. Lucky most earthquakes are not harmful to us. Sadly, however, every so often an earthquake is more powerful than the rest. This business can provide customers with life-saving equipment when they need it the most.
eBook Writer
eBooks are digital downloadable PDF files that are sold online. The great thing about eBooks is that you can sell to the whole world! Profit can be high due to low maintenance costs. Don’t forget to consider any advertisement costs.
Egg Farming Business
Egg business is a great type of business model If you have a piece of land and are unsure what to do with it. The most important part is to find your customer. Will this be locals, businesses or even supermarkets?
Electric Power Station
Power stations are put up in popular places across the Philippines. Most are free but some business rent out their power stations to businesses for a small fee.
Electric Toothbrush Brand
Our health is important and that also goes for our oral health. Selling online will allow you to sell your products anywhere in the world through the power of the internet.
Email Marketing Business
Businesses succeed or fail in their marketing. As an email marketing business, you are an asset to any business. Emailing marketing is one of the best types of marketing therefore demand for this service remains high.
Emergency Handyman Business
An emergency handyman can cover many different problems such as a burst pipe or an electrical failure. Often emergency handyman can charge more due to the situation.
Energy Business
This energy business is a business that provides energy in one form or another to its customers in recent years. You may have come across the increase of solar panels. This is an example of a type of energy business.
Event Studio Rental Business
If you have a studio or commercial property a great business is to rent this out to other businesses this can be a personal trainer or a yoga teacher or even a call center if the room is large enough.
Eye Care Business
An eye business can cover many different topics. It could cover the profession of an optician and it can also cover beauty professions such as eyelash extension businesses. The latter can be set up relatively easily
Facebook / Instagram Ad Business
Ad businesses are growing rapidly as more people are utilizing the power of social media. The problem is, however, most businesses do not have the time (and in some cases the skill) to operate a successful social media marketing funnel. If you are confident and have the right skills, then businesses are willing to pay for this service.
Facebook Page Management
Similar to a Facebook advertisement business, Facebook page management is an important part of most businesses. If you see a business that could perform better, then perhaps an email offering your services explaining how they could improve their sales with your skills would do well.
Family Tree Research Company
There are many companies across the world that trace your family tree for a fee. This business will require a lot of research and a lot of preparation and marketing.
Fancy Dress Business
Fancy dress businesses are a great way to start an enjoyable business that can even be run from the comfort of your own home thanks to eCommerce.
Farm Equipment Rental Business
Some farmers are unable to afford farming equipment for their business due to the increasing costs. However, if you can afford these yourself, then you can make some great profit through rental.
Farming Business
Farming businesses are known in some situations to be low income. However, this is not true for all products. Some entrepreneurs are turning to employ a farmer to do the work and receiving a profit from the product sold.
Farming Rental Business
If you have a piece of land that you can rent out to farmers, then this is a great piece of income that will require little maintenance. You may need to do some external tests on the soil and the ground before renting out your farm.
Feng Shui Website
Some people have heard of this topic. If you haven’t then briefly to explain, it’s about how you layout your house for progression (Financial gain, etc). This business can be through a blog and affiliate programs.
Financial Analyst Business
Most big businesses have a financial department and can analyze their own financial matters. However, smaller businesses and start-ups do not have this privilege. You can also expand your services to help write a financial plan for new businesses and businesses that are experiencing financial problems.
Financial Training Business
Financial training is a popular business across the world. Everyone wants to be rich or at least have enough money to be comfortable. Financial training teaches individuals and businesses the value of money and how to make more money.
Fire Safety Equipment
Fire safety equipment is essential and mandatory in most establishments. Certain fire safety equipment, however, can be expensive. But as a reseller, the cost from the suppliers (which are often overseas) can be much cheaper.
Fish Seller
Many people have fish as pets and even businesses and parks have started importing fish to their establishment. as a fish seller, you can be an ideal business for this customer.
Fitness Class Instructor
One of the best businesses in the Philippines is a fitness class instructor business. Many Filipinos love to exercise. This business is only going to increase in popularity as we look into the future. Fitness classes are a great way for people to lose weight in a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.
Flight Comparison Website
Flight comparison websites are a great business as this allows individuals to find flights to suit their needs. Many Filipinos travel from island to island. A flight comparison website may be a great idea targeted two locals.
Flight Information Website
Whether we travel regularly or not, one thing we always do before our flight is to see that everything is okay. A great business is a website or an app for information about flights. It’s important this is kept up to date so there will be software that is needed to run this kind of business successfully.
Flipflop Reselling Business
Flip flops are incredibly cheap. They are even cheaper from countries such as China, especially if you buy in bulk. If you are based in a tourist area or in an area that you think will benefit from this business, then there is indeed profit to be had.
Flooding Survival Equipment
Flooding can be a life-and-death situation. It’s important that we protect ourselves from fires and protect our families. There are many different types of equipment that can be sold to the public to help them during times of crisis.
Food Cart Business
We recently spoke about food cart businesses in the Philippines and we mentioned why this can be one of the best businesses in the Philippines. There will be a minimum cost you will need to cover at the start either through franchising or through starting your own food cart business.
Food Delivery Service
When we think of food delivery services, we normally think of those of Grab and Foodpanda. These businesses are still growing day by day. Going against these big giants will not be easy but a business with a different angle could succeed.
Foreign Exchange Kiosk
There are many ways you can earn money through the foreign exchange system. Kiosks work in a similar way. If you can find and secure a busy location, then this kiosk can be very profitable as a business.
Franchise Business
We spoke about many franchising businesses in the Philippines such as Jollibee and 711. Franchising businesses are not cheap. (10’s of millions of pesos in some cases) However, you do obtain the brand name which is very valuable to making a profit.
Fruit Selling Business
Fruit selling businesses have some great profits if exported. Some individuals even decide to sign up for foodpanda and grab and offer meals such as a fruit salad locally for example.
Gambling School
If you are a gambler or have experience in gambling, then a business you could start is a gambling school. A gambling school does not always teach people how to gamble. It simply teaches people how to play the game and of course, gambling is a way individuals can make money from their skills. This can be a very profitable business for the right kind of customer.
Garden Centre Business
Garden center businesses sell anything from plants to seeds to larger items such as water fountains and outside furniture. Often items can be handmade or imported to save costs.
Gasoline Station / Kiosk
Gasoline stations are a very popular business across the Philippines. It will, of course, take some capital to set up this kind of business, but it could be one of the best businesses in the Philippines if managed correctly.
Ghost-writing Business
Ghost-writing has become very popular in recent years and has made many entrepreneurs a lot of money. If you’ve never heard of ghost-writing before, it’s the process of writing a story or a small eBook for somebody else which you sell for a certain fee once you sell this you give up all ownership of the book/article.
Glamping Equipment Store
Camping is another hot topic that has become popular in recent times. As an equipment store owner, you can become a pioneer in this sector as there are gaps in the market. Especially if you can find the best value equipment.
Glass Repair Company
Eyeglass repair companies can fit or fix many different types of glass. For instance, this could be glass on vehicles or buildings.
Glow In The Dark Supplies
Glow in the dark supplies are popular for special events and for special holidays. Some companies also buy for their business.
Golfing Equipment Business
Golf is a popular sport across the world. The great thing about owning a golfing equipment business is that you can deliver to anywhere in the world especially if you decide to go down the eCommerce route. Always consider the price of delivery for this kind of equipment.
Grocery Delivery Service
A fast-food business is not your kind of thing then perhaps grocery delivery services might be the best business for you. Remember some people will pay a premium for convenience. The most important thing is to ensure there is a market in your location for this kind of business.
Grooming Product Distributor
Grooming products are very popular across the Philippines. so, it makes sense in becoming a grooming product distributor. Finding the right product to sell is key.
Hair Growth Supplements
Men and women of all ages lose their hair as they get older. Sadly, I’m one of them ☹. Hair growth supplements are a HUGE market. Private label products are also becoming more popular in recent times.
Hair Salon Business
If you have capital, then a great business to start is a hair salon business. If you can scale this business, it has the potential to become one of the best businesses in the Philippines due to its potential growth, popularity, and profitability.
Hari Removal Services
One business that has been increasing in most parts of the Philippines is a hair removal business. There are many ways to remove hair therefore there are many different types of income you can generate.
Health Vitamins
Due to the Filipino diet, there are certain vitamins and minerals that people sometimes do not intake. Therefore, a solution could be through health vitamins. This can be online or in a physical store.
Home Gym Equipment Store
During the 2019/2020 virus, Everything was closed including gyms. Online shopping channels such as Amazon, Lazada, and Shoppe saw a big increase in sales during this period. People also decided to exercise at home. Even after the virus, demand will stay high.
Homemade Soap Distributor
Soap is relatively cheap. A route open to you is to tailor the soap to a customer’s demands. One step future would be to package certain soaps together in a bouquet then you can provide more value than standard soaps.
Hotel / Hostel Business
We recently spoke about how to set up a hostel and a hotel in the Philippines. In that, we spoke about how profitable it can be and the drawback a business like this can have.
House Painting Business
House painting businesses can cover both internal and external painting. advertisement and word of mouth are very important with this kind of business model in the Philippines.
House Rental Business
House rental businesses are great businesses to be in current times. During 2018 and 2019 many visitors are visiting the Philippines and using house rental long-term as per Airbnb data.
Ice Rink Business
Ice rink venues are great places for all the family and if you can find the right location (preferably near other facilities) then this business can become very profitable. However, maintenance costs and start-up are much higher with this kind of business compared to others on our list.
Image Selling Business
When setting up Filipinowealth.com we purchased many different photographs which ranged from 100 pesos all the way up to 700pesos. If you are in a good location and you are a skilled photographer there are many sites across the internet where you can sell your photos for a fee.
Importer & Reseller
Another type of business is importing and reselling. Many businesses across the world import products from different countries to resale in their home country this is often because costs are much cheaper. Its important to always consider any import taxes that may be due.
Inflatable Product Store
There are many different types of products that are inflatable from bouncy castles all the way up to swimming accessories. This can be a great business if you live by the beachfront.
Insurance Advising Business
Insurance advising businesses are a business that can not only save customers a lot of money but also take a portion of the price as commission. Most of us need insurance of one kind or another so, there are lots of different types of insurance this business can cover.
Insurance Company
Aside from an insurance advising business, an alternative business in the Philippines is to set up your own insurance company. Capital needed is, of course, high but if money is not a problem this can become one of the best businesses in the Philippines for the right entrepreneur.
Interior Designing Business
An interior designing business can operate for personal customers as well as businesses. interior design is important. Especially if it is needed for a showroom, salesroom, etc.
Internet Café
Internet cafes have been popular for many years up and down the Philippines. Some Internet cafes also offer additional services such as food, drink and game stations which all maximize their profits.
An interviewer is a great business if you are a great judge of character. Interviewers can work either online or offline and are typically employed by businesses.
Intro & Outros Designer
If you are a blogger, YouTuber or sell online courses then you will know branding is very important. Let’s take YouTube for example. Many YouTubers have a five or 10-second introduction at the beginning of the video. It’s important they get the attention as soon as possible from their audience.
iPhone App
iPhone apps can be very popular. Some of the big giants can make billions of pesos. For example, the famous game of Fortnite made an incredible amount of money during its popularity and continues to grow to date.
iPhone Screen Repair Store
An iPhone screen repair store can be a very popular business in the right location. The disadvantage of this kind of business however is that it’s very easy to set up and there may be quite a lot of competition in your area. Therefore, location is paramount at the beginning stages of setting up this business.
Karaoke Bar
As we know Filipinos love to sing and a karaoke bar is a great mix of leisure as well as group bonding. Karaoke bars often make their money by the selling of food and beverages.
Karaoke Equipment Store
If a karaoke bar is not your kind of thing then perhaps a karaoke equipment store would be more suitable. Purchasing equipment can be very cheap.
Kitchen Equipment Store
Kitchen equipment stores are a great business due to the increase of new real estate in many of the cities across the Philippines. There is also a lot of room for growth and therefore if operated correctly can become one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Landing Page Designer
Landing pages are used for businesses for information or to sell a certain product or service. Usually, this is part of the sales funnels for the business. Landing pages, therefore, are extremely valuable, and often business owners will outsource this task to professional website designers.
Landscaping Business
Landscaping business is a great business idea for those who enjoy being in the outdoors. Landscaping can take many different forms and your customers can be either individuals or businesses.
Laundry Business
We spoke about laundry businesses here at Filipinowealth.com before. Often laundry businesses run based on the weight of the laundry. From data, it seems that laundry business profitability is determined by the location of the business as well. In other words, it shows us that laundry businesses that are set up in tourist areas make the most cash on average.
Laundry Deliver / Pick Up Business
Some laundry businesses do not have a driver. Because of this, there may be a gap in the market for a laundry delivery business. Similar to foodpanda a laundry delivery business will deliver laundry to and from the customer for all the laundry businesses in the area.
Lazada Business Seller
Lazada is a great place to sell new equipment, personal grooming items, clothing, and everyday items. There is a fee for selling and you will need to make sure certain costs have been accounted for.
Legal Services
There are many different legal services that are required in the Philippines this can be anything from business attorneys to local legal advice.
Life Coach
Life coaching is a great business if you are looking to help people. Life coaches can cover many different types of services. It can also be one of the best businesses in the Philippines due to the many opportunities to earn money.
Logo Designing Business
A logo designing business can be a great income. Typically, this kind of business is online because it opens the door up to many different types of customers from across the world.
Luggage Ecommerce Store
eCommerce stores our subject we spoke about previously. The difference with this store is that it has a niche of luggage. Many Filipinos love to travel, and luggage is an expensive piece of equipment. However, there are many ways you can keep the cost down if you buy in bulk and resell.
Magazine Corporation
Magazines are still popular in today’s world due to the increase of technology more and more magazine and media corporations are starting to move online. If you believe there is a subject that people want to hear about then the floor can be yours.
Marketing Strategy Website
A marketing strategy website is a website that is built to help businesses improve their marketing game. There are a few of these set up that offer many different types of packages offering online training, books, online mentoring and much more.
Massage Parlour
If you take a trip across to Thailand, you will know just how popular massage parlors are. After living in Thailand for a few years I made friends with a few professionals who informed me they would normally be paid 30% of the price of the massage the rest would go to the shop owner.
Media Outlets
Media outlets are another great business that provides information to the public. This information can be online as well as offline and can cover a vast number of subjects.
Mobile DJ Business
For occasions such as weddings and special events, many people hire the services of a DJ. This can be quite a fun and enjoyable business. However, you would need to be very active with your business in order to turn this into a fulltime income.
Motility Care Store
As people age, they require the use of additional healthcare this can range from medical harnesses all the way to walking aids /mobility care. These stores help people by providing a solution to their mobility problems.
Motorbike Repair Garage
A motorbike repair garage is a great business. Parts and Labour can be expensive so it’s important to look at these closely when deciding to set up a motorbike repair garage.
Museum Business
A museum is a great kind of business and it is unique at the same time. I remember some years ago on my travels around the world visiting a museum of pencils! The crazy thing was that it was so busy they were having construction done to open a new room next door as it was overcrowded.
Nair / Beauty Salon
Hair and beauty salons are incredibly popular across the Philippines. With the right marketing plan and operational procedures, this can become one of the best businesses in the Philippines for many different reasons. The market looks positive for this industry as we look into the next five to ten years.
Night Club Promotor
A nightclub promoter is a business that helps local night clubs and bars find customers through various means. This could be just through a simple marketing campaign online or it can also include hands-on work.
Nutritional Coach
As much as I love Filipino food and trust me, I really do! I must be honest and admit is not always the healthiest. It’s very easy to pack on the extra weight and can sometimes be difficult to lose it. Nutritional coaches are more in demand across the world for this very reason.
Office Equipment Retailer
Many businesses that set up in an office such as a call center may not have the additional funds for equipment. They may also decide that the business has uncertainty so the rental of equipment would be the best solution for them. As an office equipment retailer, you can rent equipment such as chairs, desks, computers, phones and lots more.
Office Rental
Similar to office equipment retail his office rental. This is the process of renting the whole office out this may or may not include equipment. This can partly depend on the commercial property you own and your financial plan.
Online Appointment Software
Online appointment software is very crucial piece of equipment for businesses that rely on online appointments. If you can tailor your software to cover the Filipino market (as many current software companies are based on US businesses) then you can step ahead of the game when it comes to selling to local businesses.
Online Audit Business
An online audit business is a business that audits information. For example, this could be a business that requires impartial advice on a certain situation or could be national surveys of some form.
Online Broker
Online brokers are becoming increasingly popular. The great thing about brokers is that they cover a vast range of areas. For example, you could be a real estate broker in the Philippines stock exchange or an even an importer broker. The list is extensive.
Online Casino
A very profitable business is an online casino business. Some online casinos have a physical location While others choose to be 100% online. Remember there are many requirements and legal duties you will need to adhere to when setting up an online casino in the Philippines.
Online Doctors Website
An online doctor’s website or online health website which would be more appropriately named is a website that helps individuals with medical concerns. It is important that this information is written by medical professionals, however.
Online Editing Software
There are many things that we need to edit each day. This could be a simple picture or a video. However, most of us do not want to download and pay for editing software especially when we only require basic needs. This is where an online editing software comes in. You can make an additional income through selling premium service all free advertisement and even sponsorship.
Online Flower Shop
An online flower shop is where you sell flowers for special occasions. This can be direct to your partner’s house or work. This kind of business is run throughout the year however it does have its peak time during e.g. Valentine’s.
Online Delivery Service
Online delivery service is a great business when you want to send something at your convenience. This business normally picks up your items and delivers them to a certain location for a fee. Due to this convenience, the price can be slightly higher than other delivery routes but not always.
Online Game Developing Business
An online game development business is a business that helps gaming companies develop that game as well as their marketing strategy and brand name. This business is fairly unique but if you can advertise to the right kind of customers with a good sales pitch then there is a potential for regular income.
Online Language School
Online English schools are one of the best businesses in the Philippines for many reasons. I myself am a customer & I have used the services of an online language school in the past. The great thing about Filipinos is the level of English. Some foreigners visit The Philippines for the sole purpose of learning English. There are many routes open for income for this business model.
Online Medical Store
An online medical store is, in other words, an online pharmacy. If operated correctly in the right market, then similar to an online language school an online medical store can also be one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Online Music Store
Online music stores are used by businesses as well as individuals. As an example, YouTube has been cracking down in recent times on the level of Copyright material, therefore YouTube channels are purchasing music online or use royalty-free music.
Online Music Teaching Business
An alternative to an online music store is an online music teaching business. This can be run online and offline however most people prefer to learn physically rather than online in most situations.
Online Palm Readings Business
Near enough everybody wants to know about their future. Online palm reading businesses promised to deliver that. Some people believe this to be a real art while others believe this to be a fraudulent con. Whatever you believe, the facts are many people are willing to pay to have their future read by a trained professional in the art of palm reading.
Online Payment Service
Online payment systems are very important parts of the business when you are selling online. Online payment services require a lot of security and software. However, once the movement has been made there’s a possibility to earn a good level of profit as most online payment services charge a small percentage per transaction.
Online Training Comparison
Online training comparison websites compare different courses from around the world. Let’s take for example of 10 Bitcoin training courses in the Philippines. Perhaps we could speak to these training providers and agree that if we sell their course on our website then we can receive 5% of the price as commission.
Online Transcription Service
Transcription services have become popular for many different reasons. Sometimes these are through legal reasons others are simply through a business process. If you have the skill and the time to build this kind of business, it can become profitable very quickly.
Outsourcing Call Centre
Outsourcing call centers are one of the hottest businesses currently. 95 percent or more of your customers will be based overseas. This is because the cost is much cheaper and often better quality received in the customer’s home country.
Paintballing Centre
A paintballing center is another great business you could set up in the Philippines. One drawback, however, is the capital needed to set up this kind of business can be high.
Party Planner Business
Party playing is a great business for those people who enjoy being around other people and have a great sense of preparation. You may be working for birthday parties, anniversaries or anything else. Often party planners are required during big events but also a great way to network with potential customers.
Passport Photo Business
Passport photos are for many different reasons not just our passport. Even though there are certain kiosks that provide this service, due to customer requirements they may seek out different sizes and visit a studio.
Patient Delivery Service
Patient delivery service is a very rewarding business to start. If you’ve never heard of this kind of business before, you simply transport patience to and from healthcare facilities such as doctors and hospitals for appointments, etc.
Pawn Store
Pawn stores can be very profitable especially if you are able to find the right item at the right price. It’s incredibly important that you have an education around this topic, or you can source the experts needed to open your own pawn store.
Perfume Shop
Perfume stores are normally set up in malls. They are a great business however during non-peak times business can become slow, so perfume stores often decide to sell additional stock to help with the slow seasons.
Personal Art Business
Personal is art is a business that designs art tailor-made for its customers. Let’s say for example I have a website and I’m looking to include some friendly characters to build my brand. I would require the services of a personal art business to help me design these characters.
Personal Loan Company
Loaning has become very popular in the Philippines. You may be wondering why this has made our list of best businesses in the Philippines. Simply because of the profit, you could make. Let’s say you charge a small percentage to each customer; profitability is low however if you have 10 customers profit levels are much higher. The biggest drawback is, of course, the obvious one of start-up capital.
Personal Message Business
Personal message businesses are businesses that are set up to helps you deliver a personal message. As an example, you may wish to invite 500 people to your 30th wedding anniversary. Because of this, you decide to have handmade personal messages to each of your friends and family members.
Personal Shopper
Personal shoppers are very convenient for people who live a busy life (not to be confused with secret shoppers). Personal shoppers help people buy items from stores. Sometimes this is with the buyer, sometimes the buyer is not present.
Personalized Food/Drink Packages
If you are looking to start a new food or drink business, you will often realize that image is very important. Fonts, colors, patterns, and pictures all have an impact on how customers see a product. Therefore, most business owners outsource the design to experts.
Pet Grooming Service
Pet grooming is a great service if you can find the right kind of client. This can be a full-time business especially if you are able to offer additional products or services.
Pet Sitting Business
For those families who are traveling or unable to look after their pets for a certain period, a pet sitting business can seem very attractive.
Pet Supply Business
Our third business idea on the topic of pets is a pet supply business. This business can be one of the best businesses in the Philippines if you are able to find quality suppliers. Many companies across the world earn millions or even billions each year through the sale of pet supplies. This can be from food all the way to toys.
Pet Training Service
Pet training can also be a profitable business. The main difficulty with this business is finding the customers as the market is much smaller compared to other businesses. However, profit can be high in certain areas.
Pharmacies are one of the most profitable businesses in the world. If we were to do a top 10 of all-time profitable businesses, then pharmacies would indeed be one of the best businesses in the Philippines for this reason alone.
Photo Editing Service
Photos are important. Photos help businesses sell more products and photos help people stand out from the crowd. Therefore, photos need to be the best they can be. Through the power of photos, editing service customers can achieve this.
Photography Studio Business
If you are a skilled photograph, then a common direction you may go into is to operate your own studio. This business can be very profitable especially in certain specific niches.
Physical Casino
We spoke about an online casino earlier in the list. But if you have the funds another route open to you may be a physical casino. Some companies do allow you to rent machines. This will help you keep start-up costs low. However, there will still be a sizeable investment needed with this business.
Po*N Website
Sex sells. Unless my social media is incorrect, I recently saw a post that said in 2019 the Philippines was one of the highest counties in the world to watch online porn! Many porn websites make their money through premium content and through advertisements.
Poultry Farming Business
Poultry farming is a huge business across the Philippines. As a national of meat lovers there is a high demand for this service not only presently but in the years to come.
Private Label Business
A private label is often a branded product that has been made by another company. For example, if you were to buy 100 t-shirts with your logo and sell the items, your business would be a private label business.
Product Research Services
Many businesses that are looking to sell a certain product require product research. This can range from information about the product or research of the market.
Professional Graffiti Business
Graffiti can take many forms. It can be in forms of removal or in forms of artwork. Some establishments across Asia have had professional graffiti artiest working with them on a project or building with the vision of ‘Modern Art’.
Promoting Company
Promoting is another business that can take many forms. You may be surprised but one of the best businesses in the Philippines can be promoting. This is due to the reach and profit you can achieve in operations that are planned carefully.
Protein Delivery Business
More and more people are taking care of their bodies as the years’ pass. As we now know, one of the most important parts of recovery is protein. Protein delivery services can range from supplements to meal prep. As this industry is continuously growing, it demonstrates to be one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Public Speaking Business
Public speaking is an art and very profitable art. If you are an expert communicator and talk about a topic that people want to hear about then this can be a very good long-term business.
Public Speaking Training Business
If you have had some experience with public speaking you can look into the business of public speaking training. Often these courses can charge 10’s of thousands of pesos. Training is normally a great business as costs are often low and prices are often high.
Public Wi-Fi Kiosk
WIFI is important in our day to day lives. However, some establishments and areas do not provide strong and reliable WIFI. If you can find a good area and offer a service to the public or local businesses, you could earn a good level of profit per kiosk.
Publishing Company
Many people need publishing services across the country for their business or personal project such as a book. Marketing will be essential and custom networking equally so. However, this business can be a very lucrative business in the Philippines.
Radio Station Business
Radio stations earn money in many ways. The most common and most well-known method is through advertisements by the local and national businesses.
Real Estate Rental Business
Real estate businesses are one of the hottest businesses in present times. In fact, a real estate business is one of the best businesses in the Philippines! The profit can be high in the right location if you are able to buy at the right time. Remember you make your profit when you BUY now when you sell 😉.
Recipe Subscription Business
If you are a pro baker or a talented writer. Then you could turn this into a money-making business. Many online businesses run a membership for the customers. They then give away private recipes and other tips and tricks for a month’s fee.
Review Services
A reviewing business is a business that reviews other products and services. One of the most important factors is to have an audience. For example, if you have a large following then athlete companies may pay for a review or a mention (influencing) on your social media.
School Supplier Distribution
When children go to school there is always a need for certain equipment which they need for educational purposes. An option is to buy these products in bulks and resell these with a product mark-up.
School Transport Service
A school transport service is just as it sounds. The business can be run from a small vehicle or a bus service. The business normally involves picking up the students and delivering them to school safely.
Secret Shopper
Secret shopping is a great way shop can gain feedback from real people. The great thing is, there are also many businesses that would benefit from this. Offering a service to a business could result in an eye-opening insight for the company and a cash injection for you.
Security Equipment Store
Security is extremely important in the Philippines. Certain products have seen an increase in demand over recent years. This ranges from remote CCTV to Locks and chains. Security Guard Business
Security guard businesses are great for private clients. These businesses offer a secure and safe area to live or work in. The great thing about this business is there is a lot of room for growth. Potentially making it one of the best businesses in the Philippines.
Self Defence Class Business
This business is a great way to keep fit and share your skills with people that could one day save their life. A great accessible location with a low-priced studio for the classes is important to factor with this business in the Philippines.
Selfie Supplier Business
Selfie suppliers can range from Go Pro equipment or selfie sticks. These are great in tourist locations and they often have a huge profit level if you can buy online from counties such as India or China. ( Just watch out of fake gear ).
Selling Motivation Music Website
Motivational speaking and move editors need access to music and the right piece of music is not always available. (Trust me!). Some businesses are now popping up that sell their motivation music online.
Shopify Store Building Business
Shopify can be a very scary and confusing platform to build a website on when you are new to online business designing. If you have the right skills and approach you can offer this service to new business owns which offers a flexible but enjoyable return to you.
Sim Card Reseller
Simcards are often purchased most often at the airport or seaports. If you can set up in this location, you can attract many customers. However, you will need to sell additional services or sell many units in order to make worthwhile returns.
Singing Training
Filipino love to sing! Many people also want to improve their voice to help them sing in a professional field. This business can be very enjoyable and rewarding if you are able to find the right clients.
Skincare Brand
Skincare products have skyrocketed in popularity in recent years making this business one of the best businesses in the Philippines. The brand is the most important factor for this business (aside from the product itself) as it’s often the brand that sells not the oil/cream.
Smoothie Kiosk
A cheaper business idea in the Philippines is a Kiosk. Even though this business is cheaper it is still not cheap. There are equipment and packaging to purchase as well as rental costs for your locations. If, however, you can find the right location you may have an opportunity to grow.
Snack & Treats Store
Who loves chocolate? I do! Most Filipinos are known for having a sweet tooth. If you can set up a snack and treat the store, then this can be a very profitable business.
Social Media Business
Social media businesses can take many forms. (two other forms are listed below) This business idea takes the role of advice. Many companies hire professionals to audit their social media and offer support and guidance on how to build their followings.
Social Media Influencing Company
The second social media business type is through the power of influence. It is critical to have a large audience. However, most businesses are turning towards micro influences as this offers a higher return for their money.
Social Media Marketing Business
Our first business idea for the Philippines is in the form of media marketing. This business has a primary role in increasing sales or brand recognition through the power of social media. Some companies also offer services that cover all 3 of these social media business types above.
Spa Business
Spa’s are a great business in the Philippines, and some would say they are one of the best businesses in the Philippines due to the profitable in this business. However, starting costs and maintenance costs can be very high. (Millions in the higher market) So its recommended spending a large amount of time on financial invocational before starting this business in the Philippines
Special Occasion Gift Basket Business
Gift baskets can be a very fun and profitable business. This is especially true if you can find the products at a discounted rate when purchasing in bulk.
Speed Dating App Service
Speed dating is becoming more well known in the Asian community. However, many singletons prefer to meet online before physically meeting. This has opened a market for dating apps of all kinds.
Spelling Software
Certain people have a strong demand for this service (Myself included) If you can build a software (Perhaps focusing on Tagalog?) Then this could open your business up too many customers across the county.
Spiritual Coach / Healer
Spirituality takes many forms. It’s a wrong assumption that spirituality is only for people who are religious. Meditation, crystal, and community are all great ways coaches can earn money from this practice.
Sport Equipment Brand
Sport equipment brands are similar to skin brand which we spoke about above. This is because the brand is the most important thing. The product itself is of course just as Important but the brand is what sells the product.
Sports Ecommerce Store
An alternative to sports equipment brand is a sports eCommerce store. You could focus on one single product of multiple products. But as this business can be cheap (especially if you are drop shipping) there is a lot of rivalries.
Stock Price Software
Stock price software is a great way to earn income that is somewhat passive. If you are able to build and maintain this, there are companies and websites that may subscribe to feature your software on their website for their visitors.
Stock Trading Business
Stock trading is something we have spoken about many different times here at Filipinowealth.com. Why? Because it’s one of the best businesses in the Philippines for a skilled trader. Many success stories have been shared with people trading their way up to 1,5, 10 or more million pesos. Remember however there are also many people who lose a great deal on the Philippines stock exchange.
Storage Business
If you own land or real estate that can be covered into safe storage units then you could earn a great deal of income if you are able to build a name for yourself. There is some maintenance cost a business owner will need to pay however such as security measures.
Story Board Businesses
Storyboard are great marketing tools for businesses however many businesses owns do not have the skills or time to do this. This task is often outsourced to experts for a high fee (in many cases).
Street Bar Business
Street bars can be a great business if you are able to find the right location and appeal to the customer in a way that keeps them coming back for more. This business has many different requirements by law that you will need to abide too.
Student Services
Student services are services provided to the student. For example, when I was living in Thailand, I meet many people who offed to teach English to university students. This allowed them to travel for another 6+ months as the income continued.
Sun Blocking Skincare Products
Sunblock is an essential lotion for Filipino who do not want to darken their skin. There are also many benefits such as vitamin E that can be absorbed through sun-blocking products. When looking for suppliers its best to have a wide reach including suppliers outside of the Philippines.
Supplement Business
Supplements have seen huge growth numbers all across the world. This is positive news for business owners who are looking to build their customer base in other counties.
Surgery Recovery Packs
Most healthcare facilities will offer patients recovery medication but what about simple equipment such as walking aid of specially designed pillows? If you can offer a recovery pack to the client and aim to build word of mouth you may see a quick increase in sales.
Survey Business
Survey businesses are a great way to gather the information that can be used to help businesses with their products and services. A survey can also be used to ask the public about an individual product service or brand.
Sweetener Company
Sweeteners are a great alternative of sugar. As some Filipinos naturally have a sweet tooth a sweetener business can not only speak to them but also help them with their health. Partnering with business and getting your product in front of the customer is the most important step at the start.
Swimming Pool Cleaning Service
Swimming pool cleaning services are a great way to receive cash in a small amount of time. Often the task can be completed in a few hours or a day depending on the size of the pool and can be a fun way to earn extra income.
Tailor Made Bible Store
The Philippines is known to be a deeply religious county. So, it’s no surprise many people feel a personal bible is a great gift.
Tailor Made Restaurant Supplier
If you are running a successful café for example, the next stage might be to design your own cups and plate for your customers. This part is where tailor-made supplier business comes in. This is often made in bulk and you can offer extra services to maximize your profit margins.
Tattoo Designer
If you are a skills artist, you could start your own design studio. Due to technology, designing work can be preforming incredibly easily through iPad or through downloadable software.
Tattoo Removal Service
On the flip side of tattoo designing is the tattoo removal business. The equipment needed is not cheap, but neither is the removal services. Therefore, you could receive a good ROI. Most clinics that offer this service also offer different services so it may be a good idea to offer other services to clients.
Tattooing Store
Our third tattoo business is through the means of an actual store. Tattooing is not as popular in the Philippines as other counties from statistics but there is a small increase in tattoos over the last 10 years. Finding the right location and clients will be key.
Tax Preparation Service
Taxation can be a complicated subject and task for many business owners. It’s no surprise that this task is one of the most commons tasks that is outsourced through the world.
Taxi Driving Business
Taxi businesses can operate through short distances and long distances however there will need to be a U.S.P to compete with companies such as Grab.
Tea Importer / Exporter
Tea is common especially branded milk tea name! If you can bulk buy you can resell this for a great profit margin. You will need to be an official reseller and have the brand’s permission to sell the items.
Technology Support
This business can be a very profitable business in the Philippines and even one of the best businesses in the Philippines with the right market and opportunity. Technology support can cover many different types of technology and many different tasks.
Third Part App For Social Media
Social media apps help users keep up to date with their social media pages. This can include automatic posting. Many customers are willing to pay a premium if the app/software helps them build an audience.
Top Up Services
Top up services are a great way to set up a business that requires very little capital. Profits can be low if set up in a poor location. Therefore, it is essential that research is done before starting this business.
Tour Guide
If you are based in a tourism hotspot then this can be one of the best businesses in the Philippines. Speaking to some of the boat tour operators (in Oslob, Cebu) profits can be very high if you are able to provide a unique service.
Trading Software
Trading is on the rise across the Philippines. This can include investment such as the Philippine Stock Exchange, cryptocurrencies or other tradeable assets. Trading software is a great way to earn income per transaction.
Trailer Designer
This business idea is unique, but services can range from a very small amount up to thousands and sometimes 10s of thousands of pesos. Many businesses across the world require trailers. This could be a corporation introducing a new product or a YouTuber who is looking for a trailer for their videos.
Translating Business
Translating businesses are very profitable, especially in certain niches. There are many businesses that are translating other languages into English for a high fee.
Travel Accessory Store
I travel accessory store can be a physical location or through an ecommerce store. Typically, you will see these stores set up in malls or in airports.
Travel Advice Website
There are many ways you can earn money through a travel advice website. This could be through affiliate linking or through the simple process of advertisement.
Used Bookstore
Used bookstores are not as popular as they once were but that does not mean they are not profitable. often at times, second-hand books can be purchased for very low value or for free. Try to look deep into the market with this kind of business to find the demand in your area.
Vegan Café
There are many different types of cafes that open across the Philippines. what I have noticed is the most successful cafes tend to have a unique selling point. For example, a vegan cafe is a great unique selling point for vegans and non-vegans in your area.
Video Service
Video services can range from simple video editing to video production. There are many different prices entrepreneurs and businesses charge for this kind of service. If you are able to make a name for yourself then there may be multiple avenues that open up for you.
Vinyl Selling
When you tend to think of businesses in the Philippines typically you will not think about vinyl services. Even though this market is on the decline in the Philippines collectors are willing to pay a great deal of money for certain vinyl records overseas. Purchasing and reselling these can be a great business.
Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistant businesses have been on the rise in recent years thanks to technology. Projections for the next 5 to 10 years highlight growth in this area. More businesses and even smaller businesses are looking for V.A to help with their day to day operations.
Visa Service Business
Visa servicing businesses are a great long-term business. This can cover anywhere from tourist extension, to residency or even marriage visas.
Voice Acting Business
It has been said that voice acting is money for old rope in other words voice acting is easy money. Many voice actors will disagree, however, what is true is that it’s possible to earn very good money in a short amount of time with this business.
Voice Editing Services
On the flip side, a voice editing service/voice editing business is a business that edits audio files that are needed by businesses for advertising or corporate affairs. Is this one of the best businesses in the Philippines? It can be for those who enjoy working remotely and see room for growth in this industry.
Walking Aid Store
Walking aids are needed by elderly and disabled individuals as support for their health issues. Walking aids are not as popular in the Philippines as other countries however if you are looking to sell abroad or drop ship then this could be a unique online business opportunity.
Watch Ecommerce Store
When you go to buy a watch in a store you will often pay a high price for this product. But what if you are looking for a low-cost watch? This is where market demand is for watches that are eCommerce orientated. You do not need to sell low-cost watches, however.
Water Delivery Service
A water delivery service is a great business for those you have a vehicle and can build their client base. This can be a very good business due to the expansion and growth of this business. Is this one of the best businesses in the Philippines? It has the potential due to the current demand.
Water Park
Water parks are a very enjoyable and very profitable business. However, this business is one of the most expensive businesses on our list. Not only in start-up capital but also in maintenance costs. Therefore, it’s critical to think about this before embarking on this business idea.
Waxing Service
One of the best businesses in the Philippines in recent times is in terms of a waxing service. Many men and women are choosing to pay for professional waxing services to provide smoother results.
Web Traffic Generator
Every website that is successful is successful due to its traffic. There are many tactics and strategies website owners can develop to help their website grow. If you are confident that you can help a website grow its traffic, then this can be a great business opportunity for you.
Website Developing Business
Website developing businesses help businesses both big and small develop their brand service or product. As this is focusing on the website you will often need certain skills and experience before you are able to build a strong client base.
Website Theme Company
If you are a passionate designer then a website theme company can be a great source of income and even passive income in the future. This can be one of the best businesses in the Philippines for you as this is very flexible business.
Weight Lose Supplements
Weight loss supplements are more popular than ever not just in the Philippines but across the world. People are often very busy in their day to day lives and some people simply do not have the time to exercise. Therefore, weight loss supplements are very appealing to the right market. This has the potential to be one of the best businesses in the Philippines
Whiting Brand
Whitening brands are products That have become increasingly popular over the last 10 years. If you can import your products through private labeling, then this can become one of the best businesses in the Philippines as that is currently a big market to tap into.
Window Manufacturing Business
Window manufacturing businesses are an old school business however these businesses have stood this test of time. Materials for manufacturing can be quite costly this is the disadvantage for this business and one to consider.
Wine Bar
Wine bars are incredibly popular in the right location. With many of the businesses we have spoken about, location is a huge factor when it comes to success or failure. There are certain alcohol requirements set out by law you will need to abide by also.
YouTube Video Editing Company
The last business idea is a YouTube video editing company. We have spoken about video editing previously, however, this business idea is specifically targeted at YouTube. With the growth of this social media platform, you have a lot of customers to appeal to.
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