Is there a business for 10K pesos in the Philippines that is worth your time and energy? Today we will find out as we explore the eight best small businesses in the Philippines with a 10k capital.
Table of Contents
Small Businesses In The Philippines With A 10k Capital
1. Small Accounting And Bookkeeping Business
One of the Philippines’ growing small businesses with a 10k capital currently is an accounting/bookkeeping business, but Why?
Many companies across the world have been exploring outsourcing in the Philippines for many years. Call centers have been a fast-growing business in recent years due to this service demand.
Accounting and bookkeeping services are needed just as much as other roles within the corporation. You may find many of your customers to be smaller businesses, as many large corporations have their in-house accounting team.
One significant benefit of this business is the flexibility of working wherever you wish (as long as you have a reliable internet connection).
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- Bookkeeping qualification
- Bookkeeping software such as QuickBooks (Often provided by your customer)
- Potentially a website to showcase your previous experience
- A business plan
2. Small Cleaning Service Business
When looking at small businesses in the Philippines with a 10k capital, you may not have come across a cleaning service business, but it’s currently in high demand, similar to accounting.
Why is this such a profitable business? First, there are many ways to increase potential growth, and also, the start-up costs for this business can be very low. For instance, most people who start this kind of business tend to target a specific niche, such as call center cleaners or condo cleaners.
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- A social media platform so you can target the local audience
- Transportation
- Cleaning equipment (buying in bulk is a preferred choice if possible)
- A calendar (This work great when you have an online schedule because your customer can book you without the need to contact you)
3. Computer Repair Business / Kiosk
If you have ever suffered a PC emergency or a laptop error, you know how difficult and frustrating this experience can be. However, if you are experienced with computers, you can offer your services through home visits and even an online/consultation service. Another route would be to set up a small store or kiosk; however, this is likely to go over the 10K capital budget in many major cities.
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- Experience in your chosen niche
- Website / social media presence
- Potentially transportation
4. Online Gift Basket Business Philippines
Looking at businesses for 10K pesos in the Philippines, you may not think about gift-basking businesses. However, they are still popular as some customers prefer handmade and personal touches rather than commercial products. Gift baskets are a great business, primarily if you can network with people who take part in regular events.
A video recently went viral of a company that delivers a basket to women whose boyfriends have cheated on them! This basket includes funny products such as “a yoyo because you are used to being let down,” and the list goes on. We calculated the tasty treats and the products in the basket and found they are making around 65 to 70% profit from each basket sold, which is a fantastic profit margin in this economy.
For instance, Valentine’s day is an excellent time for this business to be at its peak. The downside is that this is a seasonal business, so you may not have many customers locally during the typical working day. However, an online service may help pick up customers during these quiet times.
It’s best to buy your products through a wholesaler who permits the items to be resold as if you sell branded name products, you could find yourself in legal problems. Visit Alibaba.com for a list of importers from inside and outside of the Philippines.
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- Transportation / Delivery options
- Online presence
- Material / Products
5. Start A Graphic Design Business For 10K pesos
Graphic design is a massive industry across the world. However, at present, many companies are looking to outsource this work to countries such as India and the Philippines.
When looking at small businesses in the Philippines with a 10k capital such as graphic design, it’s always a good idea to look at your investment return (Not financially but relating to your time spent).
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- Previous experience is the key to selling your service. (If you don’t have the experience, you could offer your services for free in return for testimonies).
- Photoshop or other designing software.
- A robust online presence.
- Flexibility to work to the customer’s needs.
6. Launch A Real Estate Website Business in The Philippines
This is something that I have personally been thinking about for many months now. A real estate website has so many potential avenues! However, when looking at the Philippines real estate sources online, I notice a few gaps in the market that can easily be broken into.
Furthermore, you could even start to team up with local real estate agents and businesses to promote their services. There are many different ways you could earn money from a real estate website, making it an excellent 10K pesos business for the Philippines
This is one of the best small businesses in the Philippines, with a 10k capital due to many factors. One of the main reasons is that it’s high scaleable and can be operated online. However, one drawback is that it could take many months before ranking on a search engine.
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- Time. This will need to be spent on the site directly. Do not focus on the social side of the business or the website’s design at this moment. Focus only on building your content for the first few months.
- Experience in real estate.
- Research skills.
- A robust website.
- Networking skills.
7. Open A Tutoring Service Business With 10K Capital
There are many different small businesses in the Philippines with a 10k capital that you could start today, but some may not suit your personality. So how about something a little different such as tutoring? You could cover many different subjects with a tutoring business. These can be subjects such as dance or language.
I have known several people to set up small businesses in Cebu and Manila, teaching Korean and Japanese students English. But this is not the only route open for wannabe teachers.
A few months ago, a great website I came across was a small website designed to help foreigners learn Tagalog. This was through courses and video support. From the first impression, around 90% of this business income would have been gained passively.
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- Skill or experience in the subject you wish to teach
- A software, app, or website to teach your customers
- A wide-reaching online presence
- A robust sales funnel
8. Start A small Blogging Business
Blogging has changed slightly over the years for 2 reasons. 1) We are searching differently. 2) There is more competition on the internet.
It’s much harder to rank for specific terms and a certain type of content than it was 5-10 years ago. For instance, if you wish to start a blog about fitness, you will most likely have a challenging job in doing so as there are thousands of high-ranking websites with teams of writers targeting the big questions and topics. But there may be a gap for bloggers who can narrow down that niche into a sub-niche.
For example, A blog about yoga when you are pregnant or exercise when you are elderly, exercise for those suffering from a particular medical question, etc.
This won’t guarantee you rank high on google and bring in traffic, but it will mean that you have more chances to find your target audience.
More people are searching for information online, and due to the rapid speed and growth of technology, this then opens up the opportunity for new bloggers to join the community.
What Will You Need to start this small business in the Philippines with a 10k capital?
- A fast and secure website
- A sub-niche and experience in this niche
- Grammar software (Grammarly offers a free service)
Small Businesses In The Philippines With A 10k Capital: TakeAway
When looking at small businesses in the Philippines with a 10k capital, it’s a good idea to start with opportunities that can be started with low investment but have the prospects to grow in the future.
In many cases, online is where the focus should be when looking through small businesses in the Philippines with a 10k capital as start-up costs can remain low, and you also have slightly more flexibility with this kind of business model.
Small Business Tips For The Philippines
- It’s best to research the market and the industry fully. Are there any changes, innovations, or news that will impact your small business in the Philippines?
- Plan for finances. It’s best to plan for at least the first 6 months of business expenses, including utilities and marketing costs
- Can you find a gap within the market? If so, is there a market within the gap? Focus on your customer. What do they want, and how do they want it?
Warnings When Starting A Small Business
- If you are unsure of your business expenses, it’s best to underestimate profit and overestimate expenses. However, a great deal of information can be found in business research
- When starting a small business in the Philippines, always start small. Some businesses can grow too quickly in the early days. It’s often wise to get the foundation right before growing and scaling
- Marketing is key. But don’t forget it’s possible to market for free if cash is tight. This can be through blogs, Youtube searches, and more.
Future Reading & References
- Business law https://balinkbayan.gov.ph/learn-about-business-law-and-regulations/
- DTI small business support https://www.dti.gov.ph/negosyo/start-and-grow-your-business/
- Small business data https://www.dti.gov.ph/resources/msme-statistics/#:~:text=Number%20of%20Establishments&text=Micro%20enterprises%20constitute%2088.77%25%20(850%2C127,at%200.49%25%20(4%2C716).
- Growing small businesses https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/08/make-money-in-business.asp
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